Chapter 38

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“What do you want with us? I’m nothing special!” I ask furiously. The woman in the chasm just laughed.

“Oh, but you are. There is so much you don’t know; about your enemies, about your friends, even about you.”

“Who are you? Where are we?” I demand, not lowering my gun.

“I am Arabeya. Welcome to my prison.” She gestured around the beautiful cave. It sure didn’t look like a prison. There was a four-poster bed with deep red blanket and luscious pillows. Also, there was a spinning wheel and a makeup table, comfy chairs and a warm hearth. It was everything that anybody would ever want in home. It seemed more like a five star hotel if you ask me.

“Prison?” I question, raising an eyebrow. She sighed.

“My mistress treats me well. I am granted whatever I need. Any type of food I want, and any type of threads to weave,” She pointed to a lump of furriness curled up on the bed. “She even granted me a dog to keep me company. But in the end, yes; this is my prison. I cannot leave.” I nod and lower my gun a bit, but still hold it in my hand. She looks at me, and I feel like she was scanning my brain. Her expression softens. “Your friends are fine, by the way. Yes, I can read your thoughts,” she states as I open my mouth to ask that very question.

“Where are they?”

“Leo is speaking with my brother upstairs. You see, even though it may not seem like it, we are in the dungeons. My brother is not confined to a room, and walks around this palace like it’s his own. Our mistress likes to have him as a body guard, but he is a prisoner too. As for Grover, he is Iris-messaging your friends, who are already on their way.” I nod.

“Who is confining you here?” I ask. She gestured for us to sit in the chairs, and we do.

“The person who is responsible for our imprisonment is Aphrodite, but she is not my mistress and this is not her palace. You see, she has certain demigods who she likes to… screw with.” She said slowly. “And our family was one of them. She made me fall in love with a man who could never love me back. She shatter my brother’s soul by trusting in the wrong woman, and ended up using him as a spy, then tricked him and left him to fend for himself.  Anyway, we stood up to her. We used forces she couldn’t.”

“And she captured you and handed you off to somebody else as slaves? What did you do to get back at her? How did you know what would work against her?” I demand. Arabeya thought for a moment.

“All I have to say is, Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” I nod, a little confused. “You must go now, my mistress is coming. Good luck.” Everything around me started getting fuzzy.

“Wait! But who is your mistress?”

“Good luck my little hero,” and everything went black.

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