Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: Alex

I had to go… again. But I learn from my mistakes. I had to talk to my friends first. I couldn’t just disappear without an explanation. Now there were people standing in the way of that. Friendship isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

The seven of them, ‘the seven half-bloods’ as they call them, were all chatting away at the camp fire the next day. I decided I needed to tell them now. I could feel the spirits inside my magic, and this only meant one thing. I had to go, and fast. Unfortunately, they seemed to have taken my declaration of leaving as an invitation to join.

“Well, guys. I was more thinking that I would just go by myself.”

“And leave us here? No way. Don’t worry, we like near-death experiences. We’ve kinda gotten used to it.” Leo joked. I couldn’t help but think back in the woods with the gun.

“Ya, there is no way that you're just going to let us stay here while you get all the fun.” Piper smiled. They didn’t understand this at all.

“Guys, in what universe would you want to willingly want to just join me on a mission, which I don’t even know the point of?”

“We’re your friends Alex. We aren’t going to let you do this alone.” It was the whole friend-paradox idea again. I didn’t feel the least bit grateful. I felt annoyed. I should have just snuck away.

“Guys, whatever it is I have to do, if I can defeat her, I have to do it myself. The prophecy says that the girl who stands alone must decide.”

“Alex,” Annabeth pitched in, “Circe is one of the most powerful sorceresses in the world. Even in her weakened state, she has an army, she could kill you easily. She has charmspeak, the works. If you plan to join her, the entire world can crumble. It would be complete world domination. If you were to refuse, you would need an army by your side.”

“Seven of you are hardly an army.”

“No, But camp half blood is. Besides, to start, there can only be three. You and two other people, probably Grover and Leo considering that Grover can sniff out the monsters and Leo knows has the Argo II, which you will need in the sea of monsters. According to Chiron, Circe is still there. Then, following you in a few days will be camp half blood, and all those willing to help. This isn’t about just you anymore Alex and you have to face that fact.” What are you supposed to do when a child of Athena states something that you can’t refuse? The plan was well thought out, even though she probably brainstormed it in three seconds. I open my mouth to say something else, but I couldn’t think of anything. It was settled. We’re going on a quest.


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