Chapter 82

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A/N Hey guys, sorry this chapter is so short. I'd really like to know your feedback of the story so far. (You know, favorite part, least favorite part, what ever.) Enjoy, but sorry it's so short and boring.

Chapter 82: Percy

There was a knock on the door of my cabin. I got up and opened the door and Leo stumbled in. Leo?

“Hey Percy, can I ask you something?” I open the door wider and Leo walks in, and crashes on the couch in front of the fountain.

“Uh, sure.”

“Am I insane-”

“Yes.” Leo glares at me.

“I didn’t finish.”

“…and I don’t care.”

“Oh will you just shut up Percy and let me talk?” I laugh.

“Go ahead.” Leo looks a bit pissed, but he continues anyway.

“Am I insane to like Alex?” I figured that was what he was going to say. I knew that Leo had always liked Alex, that part was obvious. They got off to a shaky start, and even later, when it turned out that Alex had been lying to him all along, he never really gave up. You had to give him some credit. “I mean,” he continued. “I figured I should ask you, I mean, you started dating Annabeth after you were friends for the longest time. How… how do I get Alex to…” his voice trailed off.

“Wait, you’re really serious about this?” he put his head in his hands. I would probably have laughed at the thought of Leo having girl troubles, if I wasn’t shocked that Leo was having girl troubles. But he really seemed to like her, although I don’t know why I was so surprised. “Look,” I point out. “With Annabeth and me, the feelings were mutual.” He looked up.

“So you are absolutely no help?” I didn’t really know how to answer. Yes, I want to help him, but I couldn’t. I am a natural chick magnet, and I usually try not to fall in love with girls who are cursed to never love.

“Well, why don’t you just ask her out?” Leo raised an eyebrow. “Ya!” I continue. “Just ask her to go to that party tomorrow night?” Leo shrugged.

“There’s nothing else to lose.” He mumbled. That’s the spirit, sort of…

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