Chapter 51

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Chapter 51: Alex

“Here Alison,” said Leo, taking a small silver whistle on a lanyard out of his pocket. He put it around my neck. “If something happens, just blow it if you need my help.” We were sitting on the top floor of a half-built house, which had puddles of water everywhere. Leo shouldered his backpack. I did the same and we head downstairs and duck into the woods behind the house, which eventually brought us to a street with a few rundown shops and a lonely gas station.

“You remember the plan?” I whisper. He nods and shows three fingers. I take out my gun and sneak to the back of the gas station as Leo walked around to its side, right near the entrance. I then shot my gun three times, and Leo rushed into the gas station, yelling for help, and babbling some nonsense that his parents were hurt. I took that as my cue to sneak in through the back. The few costumers that were there, had come out to see what was wrong. I stuffed my bag with as much food and drinks as I could, which included a few hotdogs, hamburgers, donuts, soft pretzels, hostess cupcakes, candy, and assorted soda and drinks. The entire thing took us all of five minutes, and we found ourselves eating away happily in the second floor of the unfinished house again.

“Ally, you’re a genius.” I had considered telling him my real name after the first few days, but I needed his help, and I needed him to think he could trust me. Saying that I lied about my own name is a pretty lousy way to start.

I snapped back into present day. I needed to stop pondering the past. Leo. The whistle. He gave me that whistle, and promised he would help me whenever he heard it. He remembered everything now.

“Why do you still have this?” he raised an eyebrow. Nico and Grover, who probably had no idea what was going on, watched us intently.

“We should probably get some sleep.” I state plainly. He shook his head.

“Not until you answer my question. Why did you keep this for so long?” The real reason I kept it was to remind myself that not everyone can’t be trusted, and not everyone was always against me. I was not giving him that satisfaction though, so instead I said-

“It’s a whistle. Whistles are helpful.”

“You could stole another one, why did you keep THIS one?” I didn’t reply, but Leo seemed to know the answer. He actually had the nerve to smile, as he tossed back the whistle.


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