Chapter 58

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CHAPTER 58: Piper

I'm a complete imbecile. After we realized that Leo was gone, we split up and went in opposite directions, but it didn't matter because the castle was like a maze, with hundreds of doors and rooms and hallways and intersections, it was a waste of time. So what did I do? I accidentally hit my head on a low hanging bar going down a steep flight of stairs down to where I assumed the dungeons might be.

Don't ask me why demigods always have dream visions the moment we black out, because I don't know. But this one was definitely not good, although they usually never were. In my dream, they were in the same room as they were when Aphrodite was talking to Circe the first time I had the dream. This time, there was another girl too, who did not look as happy.

“So, Arabeya,” Aphrodite cooed. “Did Leo buy it?” Arabeya grunted.

“Yes. He believed every word. Apparently he really is as loyal to his friends as they say.” Circe smiled, but Aphrodite looked a bit uneasy.

“You are taking a pretty big gamble.”

“But I know Alex. I created her. I know everything about her, and I also know Leo. There is no way that he will succeed in what Arabeya sent him to do. He's not that brave.” Arabeya looked extremely pissed off.

“I don't like the fact that I've sent him to his death. And why? Because I something he MIGHT do? Are you kidding me?” She shouted. Circe and Aphrodite ignored her.

“Shut up foolish girl. Nobody asked you your opinion, and nobody cares. Go back to your dungeons” She turned to Aphrodite. “But anyway, just to be safe, why don't we make things… shall we saw… interesting for our friend Leo.” Aphrodite sneered.

“He will be dead before you know it.”

“Piper wake up!” I blink and saw Leo standing over me. I guess he actually was downstairs.... Downstairs in the dungeons, where Arabeya was. Uh oh. “Piper, are you ok?”

“What did Arabeya tell you?” I demand. He narrowed his eyes.

“Who? I think you hit your head too hard.”

“Shut it Leo. I know you were down in the dungeons talking to Arabeya! What did she tell you?” He raised an eyebrow.

“How did you know?”

“I'm smart.” I say simply. He grinned.

“Ok beauty queen. Have it your way. But she told me how to break the curse. Actually, I was planning on asking for your.... Advice.”

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