Chapter 44

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Chapter 44: Leo

When I was in the castle with Arabeya's brother, he asked me if I thought Alex would risk her life to save her friends. Apparently not, but she was willing to risk her friend's lives for her own. I was still having a hard time trying to wrap it around my head. Do you know how annoying it is when something so important is wiped from your memory? And even after you're told, and u know its true, you STILL can't remember it. Now I understand how Jason and Percy felt.

"She did WHAT?" The shattering of glass told me that Alex just exploded something. I rushed into the kitchen, and realized that Piper had Iris-Messaged Alex. Before I could ask what's going on, Alex threw a spatula at the pots and pans, making them clatter to the ground. Another jar exploded not to far away from me. "How could she? She just GAVE him my memories?" She demanded.

"What's going on?" I ask. Alex turned, just noticing I was there. Grover came up behind me too.

"Circe sent a dream vision to Percy with a bunch of Alex's memories." Piper explained. I raised an eyebrow.

"Your memories?" The fact that I still didn't know what happened between Ale and I two years ago,  was eating me alive. Did Percy get that memory? Did he know what happened? Alex seemed to know what I was thinking.

"Yes. He got that memory, along with a lot of others ones that don't make me look too good."

"Things are kinda falling apart here too." Piper chipped in. "People are starting to take sides on whether to trust Nico or not. And also… you." For a split second I saw a look of guilt spread across her face, but it was instantly replaced by an unreadable expression, and she tilted her chin up a bit.

"Given the valid information set before them, it's perfectly reasonable for them to think of me as a... For them not to trust me." She corrected. Piper sighed.

"NO. I finally figured it out. Circe is a powerful sorceress, even in her weakened state. She twisted charm speak into that dream. I'm not completely sure how, but it's way past my abilities." Alex blinked uncertainly.

"So you think that Circe sent Percy that dream to turn all of you AGAINST me? But why? Why go through all that trouble?"

"So that u don't have an army to back u up, and u would join her more easily." Grover pitched in. Alex and I didn't make eye contact. What did she do? Didn't I deserve to know what happened? It was my life! I glance down at the sea of monsters. We were flying above the thick fog rolling in from the east, and couldn't even see the water.

"I'll talk to them." Piper added. She was talking about Percy and the others of course. I trust Alex, but I still need to know what she did to me. I don't know, maybe I can't trust her. But how was I supposed to find out?

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