Chapter 73

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Chapter 73: Leo

I ran down the spiral staircase and sprinted down the hall when I saw a billowing cloak turn

What was Alex wearing? I never thought I would ever see her wear a dress like that, and she looked… evil. I may be dumb, but I’m not stupid. This was not Alex. There was some other force working here.

Alex was wearing a pure black dress, with black lace, and her red cloak seemed like it was stained with blood. Her eyes were unsettling, and her hair looked like something you would see on a Pantene commercial, because it was flawless. She turned as I burst into the room of mirrors; mirrors lines every inch of the walls and ceilings. “Hello Leo,” I noticed a knife in her hands and I must have looked scared because she laughed.  “Oh, are you that insecure?” No, she was definitely not Alex. But Arabeya was back in my head.

“It’s not too late.” She said. “You still have a little time before Alex completely turns. Her inner will is still fighting Circe… somewhere.” That wasn’t very reassuring.

“Well what do you want me to do?” I demanded silently. “Every time I get close to breaking through her shell, I’m an inch from death. One of these times, she’s not going to help me, and I’m just going to die.”

“You’re right.” Alex stood about a foot away. In surprise, I slam against the wall, and Alex fiddled with the knife in her hands, smiling at my discomfort. Then, I saw her eyes flicker purple, but it changed back to black after a millisecond. In fact, it changed back so quickly, I was wondering if I had imagined it. I looked around, and I saw my pathetic, insecure face being reflective a hundred times over. What was the point? I was scared. No, I was terrified. What was the point of trying to make Alex like me? I’m lonely and ugly and plain. Nothing I do will ever make Alex like me, because I’m just me. Nobody ever like me. Stop it! I tell myself fiercely. It’s Circe! She’s trying to get into your brain! I looked into a mirror across the room. No. It wasn’t Circe at all. I had felt that way about girls WAY before Alex and Circe.

“Feeling insecure are we?” She turned her back to me and looked away. Her shoulders were slumped a bit. What was I supposed to do? I really wish I had a plan before I just rushed into here. “Tell me Leo, what do you regret most?” I blink.

“What?” Alex didn’t explain.

“Follow me.” In general, I try not to follow evil sorceresses to my death, but she was practically out the door, and like I said, I had no plan. We walked briskly down the hall, when I noticed an orange t-shirt and jeans pushed up against a foldable wood screen. That’s when I noticed her gun sitting next to it. I slipped into the room, grabbed the gun, and caught up behind Alex again without her noticing. Then, suddenly, she stopped. Then I heard it: the echoing voice of children singing a ghostly tune. “They are singing again.” Alex announced. “That’s never good. When the spirits sing…” she didn’t have to finish.

“Olympus is calling, Olympus is falling. Dawn on the day that marks the night, and she shall rise when the evening dies.”

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