Chapter 47

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Chapter 47: Alex

I could hear Leo yelling. I turned and sprinted to where I thought I heard him. About ten yards away, I could see Grover looking around for him too. “Grover!” I hissed. He turned, and motioned for me to come.

“There!” Grover pointed. Leo was crumpled on the ground, with a strange man in a dark hooded robe standing over him. I tightened my grip on my bow and aim it at the man, but Grover shook his head. I sighed and pulled my knife out instead. I ran out into the open and knelt down next to Leo. I couldn’t stop myself.

He was alive, but in a deep sleep. I point my knife at him. Grover grabbed his club and followed behind me, still keeping a bit of a distance so he could attack from behind if needed. “What did you do?!” I demand. The man sneered.

“He asked for me to do this.”

“I seriously doubt that. Who would ask to fall into a deep sleep for no reas-“ it hit me, and I stared up at the man. “Why would you offer him that? You knew he would accept it! Do you have any idea what you have done?” I yell.

“Your life is only going to get harder. Besides, don’t you think your little friend deserves to know the truth? You’ve been lying for too long Alex.”

“Please don’t make him see it” I mutter. He just laughed.

“I told you, it was his decision.” Ignoring him, I knelt down at Leo side. Suddenly, he stirred. “He’s awakening.” His eyes fluttered open, and focus on me. After a moment, he seemed to remember who I was, and scampered away from me, terrified.

“Leo, please,” I tried to step closer but he leapt to his feet, gabbing a stick. He was breathing hard, and thoroughly confused.

“You…” he muttered. His eyes were searching mine, in shock and betrayal. He knew the whole story now. I dropped my knife and bow, slung my backpack off my shoulder and threw the gun on the ground as well, raising my hands to show I had no more weapons.

“Please Leo, let me explain.”

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