Chapter 55

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I felt like punching Circe flat in the face. I don't know why her plan was, but I knew that I was on my own again. Grover, Nico and Leo were completely entranced by the spirits. I figured it was Leo's mom and Nico's sister, but I honestly didn't know who Grover's was. The mist in front of me hasn't taken any kind of form. I couldn't think of anybody's death I regretted.

“Everybody has a ghost,” Circe's voice filled my head. “I just need to find it.” About ten seconds later, the mist shimmered and it took the form of... No.  No, no, no. He can't be dead! How could he possibly be dead? That's impossible.

“Hello Alex,” his expression was sad. I hadn't seen him in a few years, and the last time I saw him, he wasn't quite the same, but he would always be my friend. My one and only friend.

“No, no you can't me dead!” I whisper. He reached over and brushed the hair out of my face.

“Sorry Alex. It's complicated. He glanced behind him sadly to look at Grover, as if he knew him from somewhere. Grover didn't notice us though, Leo was also in the same daze. Only Nico didn't seem convinced. He took out his sword and tried to make Bianca back up, but it didn't work. They weren't the normal dead. They were images that Circe created to try to distract us, and join her in trying to rule the world.

Nico swiped his sword straight through Bianca and her image dissolved. He winced, and looked up sadly. Circe snarled and lunged at Nico, but he scrambled out of the way. He glanced over at us, and he laid his eyes on me and his jaw dropped. "Holy Hades....” He muttered, nearly dropping his sword in shock. At that exact moment, Percy and Annabeth burst through the door, startling us all.

“Hey Circe!” Percy called. “We're back!” He and Annabeth looked around at all of us and our ghosts. He frowned, then looked at me, and his reaction was almost the same as Nico's, but Annabeth was the most shocked. She gasped and stared at me in aw and complete confusion.

“Luke?! Wha...?”  Luke opened his mouthed to say more, but Nico whipped his sword through him. He had already taken care of Grover's ghost. The hardest would be Leo's mom. I blinked and Nico, Grover, Annabeth and Percy all stared at each other and back at me.  It didn't matter though. I didn't know that Luke was dead. Nobody ever told me. Who was going to tell me? But i knew it now. Luke Castellan was dead.

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