Chapter 42

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Chapter 42: Percy

I hate nightmares. I also hate flashbacks that aren't mine. I especially hate flashbacks that aren't mine, that come to me in a nightmares. Those really suck. This one was especially odd. Parts of it definitely happened in the past, but other parts, I was sure hasn't happened yet. It was such a jumbled mess, I couldn't understand most of it.

It started with a girl that looked similar to Alex, only maybe eleven or twelve. There was also a man with graying hair and glasses. “Pack a bag” he whispered. “Hurry, honey, we have to go. They are coming to take you. They will separate us.”

“Who?” Said the girl, already grabbing a suitcase from her closet and placing it on her bed, as if she was used to packing up and moving at a last minute's notice.

“It is an evil force. Gods, monsters, all of it. All of those evil beings u see in your dreams? They are all coming for us. It has grown bigger now. We can't settle down places anymore. We will always have to be on the run now. There's no stopping. Do you understand?”

“Yes father.” The scene changed to a town. Monsters, some that even I have never seen before we're attacking or flying in the sky. The girl, who was now holding a gun that definitely looked like Alex's, stood back to back with her father. They were discussing some sort of plan. Police men and other government peoples were running towards them, armed, and shouting for them to drop their weapons. In response, Alex killed three of them. The others stopped short and backed up a bit as she threatened them too. The scene shifted again, to Alex, who was a little bit older, yelling at some woman to give her father back.

“Oh? And why on earth would I do that?” Alex pointed her gun at the woman, but she just laughed. "Oh, it will take much more than that to kill me sweetie.” Alex pulled the trigger anyway.

Next, it was Alex again, blood stained, soaking wet, and gasping for breath as she stumbled into a cave. She walked in deep enough to stay out of the howling wind and rain, and collapsed, coughing horribly.

“Are you ok?” A scrawny kid, who didn't look much better than Alex did, came out of the shadows. She snapped her head up and grabbed her gun and pointed it at him. She probably would have gotten up, but she was so tired, she couldn't.

“Who are you?” Alex demanded. The kid, who I still couldn't see very well, raised his hands defensively.

“Um, my name's Leo?” Alex lowered her gun a little bit, but not all the way.

“What are you doing here?”

“Technically, what are YOU doing here? Considering that I was here first.” He smirked, but Alex rolled her eyes.

“You know what I mean.”

“Probably the same reason as you.” He took a step closer. “Are u ok?”

“Ya, ya I'm fine.” Leo sat down, as Alex dropped her gun completely, not feeling threatened, and too tired to do much else.

“So, er, what's your name?”

“Al-ison” She said slowly, trying to correct her mistake. The scene changed quickly of Alex, (or should I say 'Alison') and Leo running through the woods. Alex was definitely a lot faster than Leo was, and Alex's father was with her this time. Leo's foot got caught in something, and he tumbled to the ground.

"Come on," her father muttered, but Alex had stopped, looking back at Leo. Something, or someone was gaining on them. Leo looked back but there was no way that he was ever going to her his foot loose. It almost looked like it was a trap.

“Alison! Help! Please!” Alex looked one last time down at Leo, and turned and ran. The next few scenarios flashed by pretty quickly. Alex's father was lying dead in the grass, Alex looking down on it. The next image was of the grave that Alex must have made herself. She wiped her hands of the dirt, and walked away. Then, it was of when Grover found Alex, and the second was Alex having Leo at gunpoint. (It was strange, because they never mentioned anything about THAT.) The next scenario was Nico pushing Leo to the ground and Alex pulling him off of Leo, and then our army was all staring up a castle. The scene shifter a final time, to blood splattering the rocks, and everything went completely black. I could still hear screaming though, and the last thing I could hear, was "Olympus is Calling, Olympus if Falling. Falling. Falling." And I woke up screaming.

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