Chapter 27

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Chapter 27: Alex

“Well that was quick,” Hecate was standing not too far away from where I sat. I was dreaming again, and she was revisiting. “You are smarter than you are given credit for. You figured that out quickly.

“So it’s true then? Circe’s fate is somehow connected to mine?” I crossed my arms.

“That’s one way to put it, but yes. The prophecy is about Circe, and you.”

“You’re a goddess; don’t you also have some twisted advice that we leave me more confused than I already am?” Hecate smiled, and I looked up at her expectedly.

“You know what is to come, and you know what you have to do. You may not realize it all right away, but it will come to you soon in time. Do what you know is right. Also, Chiron knows more than he is telling, little one.  As for Leo,” she said his distastefully, I narrowed my eyes. What did Leo have anything to do with this? “I wouldn’t trust him if I were you.” I opened my mouth to retort but she cut me off. “You know who you are little one. You know the kind of person you are, so don’t let others turn you into someone you’re not. It will only make matters more difficult and you know it.” Part of me knew she was right.

“I trust Leo completely,” she cut me off again.

“Oh really? Well it didn’t look that way when you had your gun pointed to his chest not too long ago. Just think about that Alex Parker. Think about who you were before you came here, and you tell me if you have changed for the better.” I thought about it, and of course she was right again. There had been a point in time that if I had to kill somebody, I would do it without a second glance. Heck, they meant nothing to me and I never knew them. They were just another pathetic human in this world. There were plenty more, so if one person was gone, it didn’t really matter at all. And yet, I had showed Leo mercy, which was uncharacteristically sympathetic of me. I also now had friends, which was just another thing holding me back. Was I really thinking of leaving again? Yes, I had to. Hecate knew it too. All my life I have just run away from my fate. Now I had to find Circe. I don’t know what I will do once I find her, but I had to go, and I go alone. There was nobody to help me, nobody would want to, and nobody would understand. Even I don’t understand completely.

“I have to leave, don’t I?” I said in a small voice. Hecate gave me a look that could only mean yes.

“I am sorry Alex, but I must go. Olympus is calling” and she was gone.

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