Chapter 46

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Chapter 46: LEO

Cannonballs. We got hit by cannon balls. I looked over the edge, but I couldn’t see anything but fog. I glance over at Alex. I wanted to kiss her back there, but then again, I fall in love with practically every girl as long as they will never like me back. We can add Alex to that list. But I had more important things to think about right now. Festus creaked and groaned. We had to land. The boat was smoking. I grabbed my remote. I would shoot something, but I had nothing to shoot. I had no idea where the cannonballs were coming from.

“What was that?” Grover finally ran up on deck, half asleep.

“Cannonballs” I state simply. “We have to land soon, or else we are going to end up breaking down. Festus found a little island in perfect landing distance, and no, that’s not where they are shooting us from. I don’t know the answer to that.” Grover nodded. I landing the Argo II pretty quickly and Grover didn’t smell any monsters, which I couldn’t help be suspicious about. I mean, come on! We are in the sea OF monsters. Of course, I wasn’t complaining. The last thing I needed was monsters trying to kill me.    

“So what do we need to fix the boat?” Grover asked as we got off the ship. The ground was covered in a thick blanket of mist, which made me a bit uncomfortable.

“Festus said we would find what I am looking for on the other side of the island. I guess it will just be obvious.” I shrug. It seemed pretty obvious to me what needed fixing; basically a bunch of technical stuff that they will never understand. Alex shouldered her backpack, and put her gun and knife on her belt and held her bow, with her quiver of arrows sticking out of her backpack.

“Well come on then. We are kinda in a hurry. Besides, I have a bad feeling about this place.” I had a bad feeling about the sea of monsters in general. This island though, seemed perfectly harmless.

By the time we reached the other side of the small island, I was thoroughly confused on what exactly we are looking for, and where we were.  We decided to split up, because we could just yell for each other’s help, the island was so small. After a few minutes, I ran into… Arabeya’s brother?

“What are you doing here?” I demand. “I thought you were confined to the castle.” He grunted. I could see his face now, and it was really nothing worth looking at. His eyes were cold and his mouth looked as if he hadn’t smiled in ages. Not to mention a horrible scar that spread across the whole left side of his face.

“The mistress will let me out sometimes. She sent me here to offer you your desire.” My desire? What desire?

“What are you talking about?” I demand, summoning my hammer out of my tool belt. I really didn’t want to get in a fight with this guy though.

“I can show you the past: any part of the past you so desire. I can also show the present and future. Anything you wish to see, I can show you. Is there anything that you wish to see?” My mind was swirling. It might be a trap, but I had to know.

“Two years ago. Can you show me what happened between Alex and I two years ago?” The man sneered.

“Why of course.” He replied sourly. “Are you sure?” I nod, bracing myself.  He tells me to hold out my arm as if I was about to shake his hand. He muttered a few words, then his eyes rolled into his head, and he stared at me with empty white eyes. He reached out and gripped my forearm, and I cry out in pain. My eyesight blurred and started going white. Searing pain that I had never felt before spread where he touched me, and it spread all throughout my arms and face. Was this what it was like to be burned? I let out one more yelp in pain, and my vision went white.

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