Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Alex

Annabeth took me to a shed full of weapons. I stared, open mouthed. The whole thing yesterday at the lake seemed to make people fear me now. I slept in the Hermes cabin, and even though they were friendly, I still noticed how the whispered about me when they didn't think I could hear... or maybe they were planning on how to steal my wallet, because I had noticed that it was gone this morning. It didn't matter though, because I didn't have any money in it.

"I still kind of prefer my gun." I say, examining all the different weapon choices. "I don't know how to use any of these" She nodded understandingly.

"I know, but it's a mortal weapon, and won't be of any use in an attack against monsters." I nod. In general, I prefer standing farther away while fighting, because if I was close enough to it to use a sword, I was close enough for it to eat me. A little sad, I searched through everything to see if there was anything I might find useful, and I finally found a hunting knife that Annabeth stated was made out of celestial bronze, and a beautiful bow with a quiver full of arrows.

Earlier today, Annabeth and Percy had taken me down to the arena to get a feel for some of the weapons. It turns out that I can barely HOLD a spear; I'm pretty pathetic with a sword and even worse with a dagger. After trying countless amounts of different types and styles of weapons, we finally tried archery, and my aim was nearly perfect. I guess that's because I've been working with a gun for such a long time. Thankful thankful that I wasn't a complete waste of space, I headed to the archery range you try out my new bow.

"Hey Alex! Where are you going?" I turn to see Leo jogging down the hill to where I stood. I was a bit surprised to see him actually, because most of the other campers where avoiding me, after what happened yesterday. For some reason, Leo and his friends were only more curious to know my identity. They wanted to know more than I did.

"I'm going to practice archery. It's the only thing I've tried so far that I don't completely suck at." As we head down to the archery range, Leo fiddled with some spare parts that he kept in his pocket. "Can all children of Hephaestus do the fire thing?" he shakes his head.

"Nope, just me; now let's see you shoot some arrows" he smiled. I obeyed and they almost all had near-perfect aim. I enjoyed myself too. He retrieved my arrows after I started running low. I put them all back in my quiver on my back and grinned at him smugly. His face fell. "Holy Hephaestus,"

"What?" he pointed at me, and I looked down and yelped. I was wearing a DRESS. I never wear dresses. I haven't worn a dress in 3 or 4 years. It wasn't any dress either. It made me looked like a sorceress because it was medieval-style.

"What happened? Why am I wearing this?" I demand.

"You've just been claimed." Leo murmured. "You're a child of Hecate."

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