Chapter 65

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Chapter 65: Piper

Being a child of Aphrodite, I get to hear about all the juicy gossip, like the name ‘percabeth’, started by the Aphrodite children which spread throughout the entire camp, as a name for Percy and Annabeth as a couple. I also get to hear ALL about the Alex/Leo front. Nothing is confirmed with them, but my hypothesis? Leo loves Alex and Alex will never love him back. Ever. It’s kind of like some kind of curse. Ever girl Leo loves, can no never love him back. But I guess that’s better than someone like Edgar Allen Poe. Every girl HE fell in love with DIED.

But I don’t want to think about curses at the moment. Right now, I’m plenty sick of the curse set on Alex. Leo sent us all looking for her before she did something stupid. I figured that she was in one of two places. Leo was checking the tower where Percy and Annabeth fell from, and everyone else was either standing guard for Leo, or looking around in other places. I ran around aimlessly, because I got lost. I turned a corner, and saw Alex, clutching a glass vial, close big wood doors, and run off down the corridor. I sprint after her as fast as I could. She ducked into a smaller hall, then took a few turns, and ran up a marble spiral stairway when I finally caught up with her.

“Alex!” I called, grabbing her wrist. She turned, with a look of madness in her eyes.

“Piper, I have some business to take care of.” I didn’t let go.

“Do you even realize what you are doing.” She blinked, and stared at me blankly.

“Of course I do. I’m going to get rid of Circe once and for all.”

“Alex! This is important! Leo would kill himself if he thought it would help you!” I say urgently. Her expression softened a bit.

“I know,” she uttered.

“No, I don’t think you do!” She glanced up the stairs, and then turned her attention at me.

“Yes, I do.” Her voice was starting to get louder. “He DID die, for me.” My jaw dropped. What? I had just talked to him ten minutes ago!

“What?! Leo died and you don’t even care? How is that possible?” She snarled, and her face burnt red.

“It was before Percy and Annabeth fell off the roof.” Her eyes went cold. “And for the record, I did care. Of course I cared! I cared enough to bring him back now didn’t I?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Wait, do you… are you two… you know… is something…” I was never able to finish my question. An explosion at the top of the tower made us both snap our attention to the top of the stairs. We made a silent agreement to finish this conversation later, and then sprinted to the top of the tower.

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