Chapter 52

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Chapter 52: LEO

Sleep that night was hell. I think it was the nightmare that made it so bad. In my dream, I was in some kind of empty thrown room. Up near where the thrown was, there was a lonely shadow of a woman. When I say shadow, I don’t mean the dark figure of a girl, I mean a literal SHADOW, only it wasn’t connected to anything. Similar shadows dance upon the torch-lit walls.

“Hello Leo.” I nearly leaped out of my skin. The voice sounded familiar, yet strange… The girl who spoke stepped out of the shadows smiled cruelly. No! No… that’s not possible.

“Circe?” She laughed.

“Oh yes; Circe from the future. Circe 2.0 if you will. Yes. You’ll see soon enough. It won’t be long now.” Now I realized why the voice was so familiar. It was ALEX! Circe WAS Alex. Her voice was just higher, more upbeat, colder, and dripping with sarcasm.

“What did you do to Alex?” I gasp. It was Alex’s body too, but her hair was much darker, with some red color streaks. She also wore a purple dress with black lace that was similar to Hecate’s blessing when she got claimed. She also wore a charm bracelet now. 

“Don’t you get it? I am Alex. I chose to become this. It was always my fate. I was cursed as a child. I cannot break a curse that has been told of for thousands of years now can I?”

“I can help you Alex!”

“No, you can’t. Nobody can. And don’t call me Alex, I don’t feel like it fits this face.” She looked in a hand mirror and touched her face gently. Oh my gods, this was SO not Alex. I could never let this happen, not now not ever. It doesn’t matter what happened two years ago, because she was still the Alex that I met as a demigod, not Alison, the girl on the run to nowhere.

“Alex what were you thinking?” I mumbled. It was more of a rhetorical question, but she thought about it, twisting her face into an evil smile. She shrugged casually.

“I don’t know. World domination?”

al styutbWin'>“I don’t care what you do to me. I’m not telling you anything.” She rolled her eyes.

“Well duh. You care more about your friends safety than your own. Yes, yes. You're just a regular hero, blah blah blah. I really don’t care. No, I can just kill all your friends slowly and painfully.”

“You are too weak to kill my friends,” I venture. “You can barely stand on your own feet.” Complete and utter rage burned up inside her.

“I guess it wouldn’t be a very big deal for me just to kill you now.” She raised the knife, and I braced myself for the final blow. The dagger was a few inches away from stabbing my heart, when Circe collapsed. The dagger grazed my side and I let out a cry of pain. Alex stood where Circe was with a plank of wood from the window sill. How did she manage that? My vision was getting blurry, and her eyes widen when she sees the amount of blood that was pooling around my feet and dripping from my shirt and face. I was breathing heavy, and I looked down at my hand, which had been covering the most recent wound, and it was completely red. Alex rushed to me as I doubled over in anguish. I dropped to my knees.

“Leo!” Her voice was panic-stricken. “Piper! Get me water!” Piper dashed out of the room instantly, as Alex threw the stick across the room. She moved my hand to look at the wound. “Oh my gods Leo, I’m so sorry. This is my fault.” I let out a snort of laughter.

“I’ve been ‘almost dying’ for a lot longer than since I’ve met you.” Then, my vision went completely black. 

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