Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: Piper

I had drifted to sleep at the camp fire, leaning up against Jason. Spirits were down on the group. They all knew what was going in a few days, and another war was not something that they wanted to participate in, but they knew how important it was. So what did I do? I fell asleep: but my dream didn’t make me much happier.

“Mother?” I demand. Sure enough, Aphrodite was flipping through some fashion magazines. She made no sign that she heard me, or even knew I was there. After a moment, she put down the magazine and walked up to a big mirror that was hanging on the wall behind her. I look over her shoulder, and then she started muttering.

“Mirror, mirror, on the wall” she smiled at her own little joke. “Now, show me someone’s love to destroy.” She laughed again. The glass shimmered and the image of Leo on the Argo II showed up. “Oh, one of my favorite demigods; she asked for it to crash and burn and that is exactly what she will get.” Aphrodite enjoyed screwing with people’s love-life: making them fall in love then shattering it, leaving one or both of them heartbroken. It was horrible, but this time it sounded like someone sent her after him.  “Show me…” Aphrodite muttered.

“Oh, make sure that it breaks his heart, Aphrodite. Shatter his spirit; the more broken the better.” Another woman standing in the shadows had spoken.

“Yes Circe, I heard you well and clear the first time. Do you have any suggestions?” Then a large smile spread across my mother’s face. “Oh, I have the perfect thing.” The mirror changed scenes to the hunters of Artemis. “Alex Parker could never resist the opportunity to become a hunter. She doesn’t believe in love anyway. It will be perfect for her, break poor Leo’s heart and you will never have to worry about this problem again.” Circe cackled. “Besides,” Aphrodite continued, “it will make you even stronger than the original plan.”

The love goddess flicked her hand. “Thank you, Aphrodite,” Circe sneered.

“The hunters will soon be crossing paths the Argo II. You’re welcome Circe, but always remember that magic can always backfire.” Circe brushed it away and gave a look like, ‘ya, ya whatever. Stop bothering me.’ 

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