Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Leo

I'll admit that I was a little freaked out by the girl at first. What was she doing with a gun? Nobody uses guns at camp half blood. I also got the feeling that she didn't like being there, and was a little stand-offish, but once we got talking when I was showing her around, she seemed to warm up to me. She desperately needed some friends. She said she's been on the road for about two years, with only her father to keep her company. Unfortunately, her father died a few months ago, and she's been on her own.

Before I learned the part about her father, I could have bet money that she was a daughter of Ares. Now though, I wasn't so sure. I thought maybe daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle, but she wasn't blonde, and all children of Athena are blonde with grey eyes. Thinking of this, I looked to see what color her eyes were.

"Woah" I say without thinking.

"What?" She was on full alert now, looking around her and gripping her gun tighter. "No, calm down. It's just your eyes... they're PURPLE." She eased.

"Oh, ya. They have always been that way. Kinda creeps some people out for some reason." She smirked at me. She must have been at least sixteen, which was rather old for a new camper usually. I'm sixteen too, and I have only been here for a year or so myself too, so I didn't really question it.

I gave her a twisted smile. "Hey, check this out." I stuck my palm out so it faced the sky. Focusing on it, my hand burst into flames. She seemed rather impressed, but that was kind of an under-reaction when people first see my little magic trick.

"Impressive," She said smugly. "But if you want to talk about strange powers, then check this out." She walked down to the edge of the lake, and I followed her, wondering what she was going to do. It would probably give some indication on who her mom was. I noticed Percy and Annabeth sitting not too far away, eyeing us suspiciously.

Alex stuck out her hand, and her eyes momentarily flashed to solid black, and the water rose. It became a whirl pool, and then it rose from the lake to become a funnel of wind and water. "WHAT THE!" I cursed. Percy and Annabeth had jumped up too. Percy looked bewildered. About a dozen people in canoes shrieked, terrified, as they started to get sucked into the funnel. "Alex!" I yell at her, but I don't think she could hear me. Her eyes had gone completely black, her concentration was incredible, and she almost looked like she was fighting against it! "Alex! Alex you have to stop or you'll kill them!" She didn't stop. Then I realized that she COULDN'T stop.

I could only think of one thing to do, so I ran in front of her and pushed her aside. She didn't fall to the ground, but her concentration had been broken. The funnel in the lake had stopped in the air, and splashed back down into the water, soaking all the people in canoes. Alex's eyes cleared, and then she fainted. I caught her, and placed her on the ground gently as Annabeth, Percy, and Hazel (who also happened to be nearby) ran to us.

"What the heck was that?" Percy demanded.

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