Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Leo

I picked up Alex’s gun. If I just left it there, one of the Ares kids would have taken it. I felt like an idiot and decided to go to bunker 9 to release some stress. Why could I never do anything right? I should have expected it though. I should just stick to my machines, because when humans start getting involved, my feelings usually get hurt. Not to mention Alex nearly killed me. Twice.

I place it on the workbench. I’m a complete idiot.  There was so much I wanted to say to her back there in the clearing, but I just stood there. I really was just a disaster yet to come.

As I worked on fixing some loose odds and ends that I had found in the bunker, I thought about when Alex had me at gunpoint. Did she really consider shooting me in the heart, or was she just bluffing. No, she isn’t the kind of person who bluffs. I guess it’s just a whole new meaning to the term ‘heartbreak’. And what was so bad about her name? It’s just a name! And why did she always have to be the tough girl? Why couldn’t she accept the fact that she had friends who wanted to help? I guess if you spend two years on the road without any friends or company, you have your reasons.

A few days later, I saw Alex sitting down by the lake. I made my way down to her cautiously. “Hey” I say lamely. She looked up at me. She looked sad, but she wasn’t crying. But to her, crying shows weakness, so she never cries. Not even when her father died.

“I thought you didn’t want to speak to me” she said glumly.

“I thought you wanted to kill me” I point out.

“Touché,” I waited for her to say something, or invite me to sit with her, but she didn’t.

“So, um, I thought you might want this back.” I hand her gun over but she just looked up.

“No, you were right. Demigods here don’t use guns.” Did that mean she was staying?

“Doesn’t mean you can’t though; just because nobody else does, it doesn’t mean you can’t start.” She smiled gratefully and took the gun.

“I guess it’s good just to have with me.” She put it back on her belt with a beautiful hunting knife next to it. She looked back up at me. “Sorry about trying to kill you, again…”

“Oh ya, um, no problem, you know. Same old, same old. People always try to kill me.” She smiled.

“Oh please. You can stop feeling sorry for yourself.”

“I have to feel sorry for myself! I’m the only one that cares! And besides, I almost died twice. That is plenty enough a reason to feel sorry for myself” and she burst out laughing.

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