Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Alex

I knew that Leo could tell that there was something wrong the next day when I accidently ran into him at breakfast.  I didn’t feel like talking. I was so confused. So what on earth did this mean? My mother had only left me more confused than I already was. Who am I?

“Are you ok?” I look up to see one of my sisters looking at me curiously. I nod, but she wasn’t fooled. “Are you still worked up about what Hecate said?” I had told my siblings about my dream after I woke up screaming for her help. “Look, I’m sure that she was making it more dramatic than it really is. The gods find it fun to screw with our lives.” I shrug. “Look, if it’s bothering you that much, go ask Chiron about it.” Thinking that it could be a good idea, I went over to ask him about it.

“And she told you about the prophecy,” Chiron sighed sadly, after I explained what happened last night.

“Prophecy? What prophecy? She didn’t mention a prophecy.” Chiron had a look on his face that he suddenly wished he was never born.

“Never mind, it’s nothing.”

“No, it’s obviously something. If there is a prophecy about me, then shouldn’t I know about it?” He was kind of backed into a corner, so he just sighed again.

“Yes. I think it’s about time you knew.” He called some red haired girl named Rachel over, to show me something. He whispered something in her ear and she smiled and nodded.

“Hey, I’m Rachel.”

“Hi. I’m Alex. Are you a demigod too?”

“I’m the oracle. I tell the prophecies. I possess the Spirit of Delphi in me, so technically it tells the prophecies, but whatever.”

“So you can tell me this strange prophecy that I’m hearing about?” she shook her head.

“No. It was spoken a very long time ago, and written down on a small piece of paper which is up in the attic of the big house.” I nod. I didn’t like attics, but if it was gonna help me understand all the unanswered questions in my life, I was all for it. Rachel showed me up to the attic and pulled out a small bag and pulled out a scroll. “Here you go.”

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