Chapter 48

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Chapter 48: ALEX

“Alex,” he was trembling in fear. I couldn’t stand seeing him like this! I slump down against a tree. Grover had offered to get some food from the Argo II, but he was really just being nice and getting out of our way. And the man who set the spell on Leo in the first place, had disappeared the moment that Leo had woken up.  “Alex, how… how is this possible? How…” I looked down, and he sat down as well. He put his head in his hands.

“I’m sorry” I whisper. He shakes his head. “but also Leo, you really can’t understand what I was doing. You don’t even know me, and you never did.” Maybe this is what the prophecy was talking about. I was the girl who was alone. I have always been by myself. Yes, maybe now I had people with me, but I will always be alone in a crowd. I got up, leaving all my things and walked away.

Maybe I was kidding myself with trying to make more friends. I was so busy with my thoughts; I didn’t even notice the noises around me. By the time I finally looked up, ten undead skeleton warriors were standing over me, ready to strike. I jumped back in alarm, and dashed out of harm’s way, but I had no weapons. I had absolutely no way to defend myself! I backed up against a tree as the warriors approached. This would be a pathetic way to die. I backed up more into the woods, but basically, I was trapped. There was no way to defeat these guys, and I couldn’t run because there was nowhere to run to. At that exact moment, somebody leapt in front of me and waved his sword at the dead guys. At first glance I figured it was Leo, because it definitely wasn’t Grover, and I had thought we were the only ones on the island. When I actually looked at him I realized it was… no.

“Nico?” He glanced back at me, but he looked extremely uneasy. He waved his sword again, but the soldiers didn’t back down.

“Oh, that’s not good.” He muttered. He turned to look at me. “They’re enchanted. Run.” We dashed through the woods and the skeletons were close behind.

“So this ISN’T your doing?” I question.

“What? No! I can’t even destroy them!”

“Circe…” I mutter. I sneak a glance behind us, but the skeletons were gaining on us.

““Don’t you have a weapon or something?” he demanded.

“Not with me no! I left it all in the clearing with Leo!” I pant. We duck behind a bolder.

“Why on earth would you leave your weapons with LEO?” I catch my breath but we had to keep running. He sighed. “Come on, we have to get them, it’s our only chance to kill them. You have a knife right?” I nod. “Come on.”

We ran straight into the clearing. Grover and Leo were talking. It was obvious that they had no idea what was going on with the undead. When Leo saw me, he stepped back.  I grabbed my knife and gun and Nico ran to my side. The color drained from Grover and Leo’s faces. “What is he doing here?” 

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