Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Alex

I had bragging rights. I beat Percy Jackson in a sword fight. He kept asking for a rematch, but I’m not a moron. I had surprise on my side last time, if I were to fight him again, he would win. This seemed to annoy him greatly, but I had to get going. I said goodbye to Percy and Leo and headed back to the Hecate cabin. I dropped all my things at the side of my bed and passed out. I drifted into the realm of dreams faster than you could say “demigods”.

“Congratulations,” where was I? I’m used to having nightmares but nobody usually VISITS me in my dreams. She seemed to read my mind. “I am Hecate, your mother.” A million and one questions popped into my head at once. The only thing I did though was reach for my gun. What was I going to do? Attack her? She wouldn’t be of much help if she was dead. “Alex, I am an immortal goddess. Do you really thing a mortal weapon would kill me?” I shrug in agreement.

“Are you here to finally do some explaining?” I ask. She raised an eyebrow.

“It would be impossible to explain everything in such little time my child. I have done everything I can to protect you, but it seems that I may have only been able to post-pone it. This should have all happened between the ages twelve and fourteen, and your father and I was able to protect you for a little longer” My mind was swimming. It? What’s ‘it’? So that’s why we were REALLY on the run, to run away from my fate? To keep me hidden from the truth? Well this changed everything. My entire world had just been flipped upside-down and tied in a knot.     

“So what is my fate?” she looked down me sadly.

“It is a long and winding road, little one. Be patient” her image started fading away.

“Mother wait!” I yelled, and I woke up with a start. 

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