Chapter 4

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Grover had brought me into the camp, and I have to admit I was a little freaked. I think that they could tell too, because I had my gun clenched in my hand the entire time that he had introduced me to Chiron. (Who, by the way, is half horse.) But as much as I didn't like it, Chiron spoke the truth, and everything he said made complete sense (while sounding completely insane at the same time). I trusted him, and I knew he was telling the truth, but that didn't make me feel less uneasy. I've been on the road for so long, I wasn't comfortable to just plop down and call one place my home, like Chiron had advised.

But I did feel sorry for the sucker who was walking past us, and Chiron just told him to show me around the camp. He agreed, but it wasn't like he had any choice. "Leo, this is Tempest." He had introduced. I shot the centaur an annoyed look. I pointed at the Leo kid.

"Call me Tempest and you will be dead before you had the chance to blink." He seemed a bit scared, and he put his hands up defensively.

"Ok girl, no problem. So instead of killing me, how about you tell me what I can call you." I eyed Chiron, and he smiled and walked away. He knew full well I wouldn't want to be called that. The little troublemaker, I think.

I grip Leo's arm and we turn away from the horse-dude. "What's your name?" I ask defensively.

"Leo. Leo Valdez. Son of Hephaestus." I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm Tempest Alexandrea Parker. Call me Alex." He nods.

"Right, so, um, this is camp half blood. This is the mess hall, where you will eat, the arena is over there. That's where you train." He glanced down at my gun, which I was still gripping in my hand. "Do ya maybe want to put the gun away? It's kinda creeping me out." I look down at it.

"Nah. I feel better if I have it out." I aimed it at some cabins to our left, then put it down.

"Er, right" There was an awkward silence as we walked through the camp. A few heads turned our way, probably wondering who the strange girl was. Leo stuck his hands in his pockets and looked down at the ground.

"Are you ok?" I ask suddenly. I haven't been used to considering other people's feelings for a long time; I was sort of out of practice. "Leo? Is something wrong? I'm sorry, I can put the gun away if it's bothering you that much." I sputter quickly.

"No really, it's ok. I'm just really not all that good with people...or other living organisms." I laughed. I haven't laughed in a very long time. I smiled at him.

"Me neither. I haven't really been around any people for a while. I try to stay away, because once I come around, people usually end up dying."

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