Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Alex

I woke up on the porch of the big house. I stare up at Leo, and four other faces I have never seen before. "Hey, look who's awake." Leo smiled. Did he ever stop smiling?

"Where am I?" I suddenly realize I had no idea where I was. I reach for my gun, but it wasn't where I always kept it when I slept. "Where's my gun?" I demand at them. The blonde girl with the curly hair reached over and handed it to me. I didn't know why she took it in the first place.

"You'll need a better weapon than that. It won't kill the monsters. It only kills mortals. We can get you a better weapon later. I'll take you." I raise an eyebrow, wondering who this girl was. As if she read my mind, she explained. "I'm Annabeth Chase; daughter of Athena."

"I'm Alex, and I have no idea who my godly parent is." A dark haired boy, who looked like he had spent some time in hell, spoke up.

"From what you say, you could easily be the daughter of Zeus or Poseidon or Hermes or Ares. But you say that it was your mother who you never knew, so you obviously can't be a daughter of any of those. I'm Nico Di Angelo by the way; son of Hades." That suddenly made a lot of sense. I nod and point to the last two who haven't introduced themselves yet.

"And you two?" I noticed that the dark haired boy who claimed that he was Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, was looking at me extremely strangely.

"That's the water dude right?" he frowned.

"He's more than the water dude, he's the water god." He corrected me.

"Eh, same thing." This seemed to piss off Percy greatly, but I didn't care. The last one introduced herself as Hazel, a roman demigod.

"Can she be roman?" I heard her ask Percy, but he shook his head stating that I was most definitely Greek.

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