Chapter 40

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Chapter 40: Alex

Leo is fine, by the way. I figured you would ask about that. Now we were just all sitting around and watching some tv, while Grover munched away on some empty soda cans, which I found quite disturbing. Leo didn’t say much. He didn’t really say much about what happened; just that he heard the voice again, but there was more to it than that.

Is it just me, or is this group pathetic? We don’t seem to completely trust each other, and keep leaving things out of our stories. Or was that just me who was keeping secrets? There was so much that I don’t tell the others, and I think Leo has started noticing that, because he has started figuring out how to get the truth out of me.

Tonight, I was in charge of the remote, and as I was channel surfing I came across a few news reports of a ‘lost persons’. Apparently there was a girl who had an adoptive mother and had been missing for two years, blah blah blah. I shook my head in disgust and changed the channel.

“Wait, Alex, change it back. Those missing persons are usually demigods on the run. Let’s just check it out. If she’s been lost for two years…” Grover snatched the remote from my hand and changed it back. “Oh ya, see. She’s 15. Erica? Ya, she’s already been at camp half-blood for the past two years. Those missing kids are almost always demigods. I think I’ve only met one or two who haven’t. Turns out that the kidnappers were monsters who thought that they were demigods, then they just let them go because-“

“Will you just shut up?” I snap. I hate these news reports, because it was always just old news. People are just so stupid. Grover shut his mouth and got up to bet more cans, but Leo wasn’t so quiet.

“Alex, it’s kind of important. We can find other demigods this way. I mean, I’ve been on the news all those times I ran away.”

“Ya great for you, but you know? I wasn’t. And do you know why I wasn’t? Because I was the girl nobody cared about.” All my anger and confusion, and annoyance that I had tried so hard to hide, came bubbling out of me all at once as a turned on Leo. I’m sure a few things exploded, but I was too angry to notice. “I don’t care if you ran away six times, because I’ve been running for the past four years, and nobody cared. It wouldn’t have mattered if I died out there because there was nobody to miss me. Nobody would even notice. Sure, I’ve been on the news before, but my name would be different every time. They may have some blurry picture of me, but they never knew who I was, and they would just blame me for all the bad things happening. One town in Texas was calling me satin. But after a few days they would just forget about me. They would all just forget about me.”

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