Chapter 64

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Chapter 64: Leo

Alex raised her hand. “Alex no! You can’t use magic are you crazy?!” As always, she ignored me. I figured she would, but I had to try. I watched her as her eyes turned black. The wind started to blow fiercely and the snow blew around like a little funnel cloud encircling Annabeth and Percy. I don’t know what it was doing but a few moments later, Percy and Annabeth were standing flat on their feet, hugging each other.

“Are we dead yet?” Percy asked, opening one eye experimentally. Annabeth shoved him playfully.

“If you can ask ‘are you dead’ then we’re obviously not dead.”

“But we should be dead. We fell a thousand feet off the roof of a castle. Why aren’t we dead?”

“Don’t sound so disappointed.” I looked over at Alex, but the snow had gone back to normal and her eyes had changed back. She was looking sadly at Annabeth and Percy, and walked away.

“Alex wait!” She turned. “Are you ok? You didn’t pass out or anything!” she shrugged, and kept walking.

“I don’t know why. Doing something like that probably should have killed me.” She said with no noticeable emotion. I roll my eyes, and grab her arm again. “Leo-“

“Just shut up and listen.” She looked straight into my eyes, and I noticed fear. She was scared? Scared of what?

“No. I won’t shut up. I have to find Circe, and I have to get rid of her. I don’t know why she’s suddenly become weaker, and I don’t know why I heard screaming after, you know.”

“After you cried.”

“I didn’t cry.”

“Why can’t you just admit it? Why is it so hard for you to accept that you aren’t that different than the rest of us?”

“If you’re not going to be any help, then leave me alone.” I frown. Why wouldn’t she let me help her?

“Alex!” but she was already running up to the castle. I sighed. “Percy! Annabeth!” they turn and walk up to me.

“Ya? Where’s Alex going?”

“She’s trying to find Circe. Do you know where she is?”

“Ya, she’s at the top of the tower where we fell from. Does she even know how dangerous it would be for her to come face to face with her again?” Annabeth demanded.

“C’mon. We’ve got to knock some sense into her before she kills herself.”

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