Chapter 33

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Chapter 33: Alex

Why hasn’t anybody told me about the hunters before? It sounded perfect! Traveling, killing monsters, immortality, you name it! On the other hand, Leo looked extremely uncomfortable and even a bit nervous. Maybe he didn’t have very good memories of these guys. Either way, I told him to land; he obeyed, landing us in the clearing not too far away.

“Grover?” The tallest girl completely ignored Leo and I at first.

“Hey Thalia,” Grover bleated. They gave each other quick hug and Grover introduced us. Again, completely ignoring Leo, Thalia’s eyes widened.

“So it’s you,” she grimaced. Her saddened eyes looked a thousand years old. “Artemis told me some about you, although I fear she knew more than she told me.” She paused considering what to do next. In the end, she called over a few other girls to explain to me what the hunters are all about, while another girl went over with Leo to warm him up from the crisp fall air, while Thalia left to speak with Artemis.

“The one catch though,” said one of the girls, Avery, after they explained about the awesome traveling, and slaying monsters, and the immortality.

“What’s the catch?” Avery and the girl next to her look strangely in Leo’s direction and then back at me.

“Is, um… is Leo like your boyfriend or something?” Avery questioned. For a moment I thought they had to be joking, and I burst out laughing. Me? Leo’s girlfriend? Please. I could never imagine myself dating ANYONE. I guess I’m just not the whole love/dating kind of person.

“No. I don’t do that sort of thing. Actually, I’ve never had a boyfriend or anything like that.” I made a face even at the thought of it. Avery and the other girl, Maya, smiled. They soon explained why this was good news, not the opposite. Hunters of Artemis? Sign me up! That was when Artemis finally showed up.

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