Chapter 71

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Chapter 71: Leo

I felt embarrassed. I didn’t know how much Alex heard, and honestly? I can’t remember everything I said. But my screwed up emotions was not my biggest problem right now. Hecate was back, but THAT wasn’t even the worst part. Hecate was smiling!  No, smiling was definitely not good.

Alex looked panicked, but it went away quickly. I glanced around the room, but nobody else seemed to be paying any attention to Alex. They were all focusing on Hecate, and Hecate was looking at me.

“You’re too late Leo.” I raise an eyebrow.

“Seriously? Her army is defeated, Circe is a guinea pig, and it’s before nightfall, and I’m too late?” Hecate smiled. Her solid black eyes gave me an uneasy feeling, and the fact she was smiling was extremely unsettling.  

“You are so naive.” She picked up the knife that was lying at her feet; one of the ones Circe used to pin us to the wall, and slice me up into little Leo-bits. She tossed it to Alex.

“No!” Thinking she was trying to kill her, I turned and watched Alex catch the knife with ease.

“Thank you mother.” Her voice was cold and dripping with sarcasm. It seemed familiar, but I couldn’t figure out why. It definitely wasn’t Alex’s voice, that’s for sure. I looked at her, horrified, but Hecate was right. It’s too late.

“Alex,” I mutter, and everyone turned. Annabeth’s jaw dropped and Piper gasped. Alex raised an eyebrow, spinning the knife in her hands. Her eyes were completely black, just like Circe and Hecate. Her skin was pale, and her hair seemed darker, and her lips redder. She basically just looked like a deathly Snow White.

Hecate bent down and scooped up guinea-pig Circe, but I still stared at Alex, who was smiling cruelly at the knife in her hands. I looked over at Piper, but she looked just as horrified. Then, without warning, Alex threw the knife at Percy. It spun through the air with agility and skill I know she didn’t have ten minutes ago. It cut through his shirt, pinning him to the wooden door frame he was standing in front of. His jaw dropped, and Alex laughed.

“Carful there. Next one will go through that thick skull of yours.” She turned to leave, and I grabbed her wrist, but she snatched it away in a heartbeat, giving me a distasteful look. She turned on her heal, snapped her fingers, and dissolved into thin air. I turn around slowly to the rest of the group. Percy still stood with his mouth wide open, looking between Annabeth, me and where Alex disappeared. I wanted someone to pinch me so that I could wake up from this nightmare, but unfortunately, I was living the dream.

“Well,” Hecate clapped her hands together, and gave us a cruel, fake smile. “Good luck with that. Looks like you’re going to half to start from scratch again… if you live that long.” 

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