Chapter 3

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"Listen goat boy, there are only three rules when you are someone like me. Rule 1, nowhere is safe. Rule 2 trust nobody, and Rule 3, RUN. I throw my bag over my shoulder a make my way to disappear into the woods, but I faltered.

"I know who your mother is. She is not dead. I can take you to her." I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Who are you?" I ask. "Are you trying to kidnap me? Because you're doing a pretty crappy job of it if you are." He had the nerve to laugh.

"My name is Grover. I'm a satyr at Camp Half Blood, which is a camp for demigods. I can help you with this monster problem. A loose the gun, it only kills mortals."

"did you just say demiGODS?" he nodded.

"Yes. Your mother is a greek goddess, and that makes you a demigod, which means your life isn't making any sense right now." He was a half goat, he was watching me sleep not too long ago, and I have never met him, so naturally, I believed every word he said. I couldn't explain it, I just did.

"And you can take me there?"

"Yes. And I promise you that it will all make sense soon." So I followed him. He took me across Long Island sound, and brought me to a hill, where a single tree stood. It seemed to be giving off energy from a blanket that looked like it could have been shaved off one of Grover's little goat friends. "Alex," he said "welcome to camp half blood."

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