Chapter 31

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Chapter 31: Leo 

“Olympus is calling. Olympus is falling. Dawn on the day that marks the night, and she shall rise when the evening dies.” The horrible voice whispered. “Leo Valdez, do not fail me. Do not fail the task I must set forth for you. If you care at all for your friends, then you will not fail your destiny.”

“Leo! Leo, wake up!” Alex was shaking me vigorously. I blink. Alex and Grover were standing on either side of me, worry etched on their faces. Why was I just lying on the floor of the deck?

“What happened?” 

“You were just talking to use when you randomly collapsed! Are you ok?”

“Ya, I’m fine” I lied. I was seriously creeped out by the voice. My destiny? What destiny? What did I have to do with Circe and Alex? I couldn’t see how any of this played into the original prophecy, but I didn’t say anything. Hearing creepy voices was definitely not something that was normal. There was a difference between dreams, and just hearing voices. 

“If you’re sure,” Alex said suspiciously. I nod, jump up and look over the edge of the ship. We had been traveling for a few hours already, and I figured we were somewhere in Pennsylvania or Delaware maybe. We had decided to go over land because we were trying to buy ourselves time. 

“Oh crap. You have got to be kidding me.” I was dreading this. I knew that we were going to end up running into them, but I hoped it wouldn’t be any time soon. It’s not like Alex is my girlfriend or anything, but there is no way that I wanted to lose her like that. I tried to look away but it was too late. Alex and Grover had noticed my random outburst.

“What’s up?” Grover asked. He and Alex looked over the edge. 

“Who are they?” She asked, staring down at who we were looking at. I sigh.

“The hunters of Artemis,” I answer.

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