Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Percy

I decided to go down to the arena to blow off some steam. I figured I would be alone, but I noticed Leo and Alex in there already in there. It seemed that they were laughing more than actually fighting, but I already knew that neither of them was very strong when it came to a sword in hand. Although I had to admit that she was pretty crafty with a bow.

“I hate to break this up,” I say as get ready to practice. I uncap riptide and face Leo and Alex. “Either of you want to duel me?”

“I’m good,” said Leo almost instantly. He’s seen me fight and he knew that he would be no match for me. Alex shrugged.

“Why not?” I know that Chiron had been helping her work with the sword, but it was obvious it was not her first choice in weapon, although she wasn’t all that bad at it.

Leo sat down on a bench, ready to play as referee. “And, start.” Alex had definitely improved since the first time I watched her fight. She had nerve, that’s for sure, which is 88% of it. 10% of it was skill, and the last 2% was pure luck. It went on for a long time. She had quick reflexes and was able to deflect almost all my blows. I had one last trick though. It was a way to disarm your opponent, and it worked. Alex’s sword went skidding across the arena. She curse and I thought I had gotten her, but she was fast, and was able to avoid my blow and she stuck her hand out. Her sword came back across the ground and landed in her hand. She had surprise on her side, and I gaped at her. She took the opportunity to disarm me with the same move, and I ended up on the ground with the sword pointed to my chest.

“Good game” she said, helping me up. I was still gaping.

“Wha- but how? That must have been a foul.” She smirked.

“oh please, it would have worked in a battlefield then it would have worked here. You just can’t believe you lost to a girl who can barely fight.” She looked extremely pleased with herself, but I think she was pleased that her magic worked more than beating me in a fight.

“So you have been practicing your magic?” I ask, capping riptide and putting my armor away.

“Ya, for the past week or so I have been doing it for a couple of hours every day and think I have mastered making things move where I want them to.” To show me an example, she let go of her sword, but instead of it clanging to the ground, it floated over to where the other swords were, and put itself away. Note to self: I would NOT want this girl as an enemy.

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