chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Percy

We all just watched as Leo and Alex glared at each other. Leo had a point though. She let him believe that she was dead, and Leo thought it was his fault. I still didn’t know what the two of them were doing on the outside of camp anyway, but now was not the time to ask questions. Alex just got up and left, but there was no way that Leo was going to let her just leave like that. The stood apart from each other in front of the porch were we all stood and watched.

“Maybe I should have just left you out there!” said Leo, his hands started glowing red.

“Ya, maybe you should have!” yelled Alex back, winds around them started to pick up, Chiron looked nervous, muttering something under his breathe. Clarisse on the other hand, looked excited, and more Ares campers had gathered around to watch them fight. “I should have killed you when I had the chance!” she shouted. Her eyes were starting to go completely black.

“Ya; maybe you should have!” Kill him? What in hades where they talking about? Why would Alex want to kill him? The again, I think everybody has wanted to kill Leo at some point or another, but still.

Things were getting out of control. Leo’s hands stopped flaming, but that was only because of what Alex was doing. Three HUGE funnel clouds were surrounding her. Her eyes had gone completely black, and the clouds had almost touched the ground. The wind was whipping around her like crazy! She looked pure evil. Leo stumbled backwards toward us, not taking his eyes off of the twisters. None of us moved. We were too stunned to say anything, except for Annabeth.

“Leo! You have to stop her! She doesn’t even know what she’s doing! If those clouds touch the ground, the entire camp will be gone in a matter of minutes!” No pressure.

“Well what am I supposed to DO?” I didn’t have anything better, and I was so desperate I just yelled the first thing that came to mind.

“Names have power! Try calling her name.” After I said that out loud, I realized how stupid it sounded. But not having anything better to do, Leo tried it.

“Alex!” nothing changed. She gave no sign of even hearing him. “Alex! You have to stop!” It already seemed like she was trying to fight against it, but failing. The storm was getting stronger

“Alex! Alex!!! We all shout, gripping the handrail from the wind. Above all the wind and our shouting, Leo screamed a name that I didn’t know.

“TEMPEST!” And somehow, Alex seemed to recognize it. Her eyes cleared and the wind scattered. She took a step towards Leo, and collapsed onto the grass.

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