Chapter 66

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Chapter 66: Alex

Leo can't go an hour without blowing himself up. Like seriously, maybe I should consider putting him in a crate when I leave so I don't have to worry about him doing something stupid. As Piper and I burst from the stairwell onto the top of the tower, the first thing I noticed was that Leo was lying unconscious up against the wall and Circe was on her hands and knees, struggling to try to get up.

Even with her being at her absolute weakest, she managed to muster enough strength to throw lightning at Leo. Wow, she was really determined to get rid of him wasn't she? I ran to his side, and shook him furiously.

“Leo, c'mon. Wake up. After everything we've been through this is the most pathetic way to die.” I muttered. He groaned, still groggy.  I turn to Circe. I've completely ran out of patients with this evil sorceress woman.

“No matter how far or how fast you go, you can't run away from yourself. No matter how hard you try. ” She sneered. I didn't respond. She laughed cruelly. I look over at Piper, who was sneaking around the outskirts of the room, with her dagger raised.  I turn back to Leo and shake him more urgently. We didn't have much time. Yes, time is definitely not something we had on our side.

“Leo,” I hiss.

“Well, well, well. How cute. Your little boyfriend can't hear you Tempest.” I grimace.

“He's not my boyfriend.” I muttered. There was a flash of light, the faint smell of roses and the sound of doves . There was another flash of light and emerald green smoke filled the room. Suddenly, two women were standing across from each other in the room.

“MOM?!” Piper and I demanded. Aphrodite and Hecate. Of course. The love goddess and the goddess of magic. Who else would it be? Hey, might as well bring Hephaestus and Zeus and Athena in here too! Make it a party!

“My dear child,” Hecate cooed. “Leave Leo as he is. Just as you always have before. It's ok.” The words willed me to want to join Circe and just completely forget about Leo's existence. Piper seemed to notice this.

“Alex! She's charm speaking you!” I shake my head, processing what just happened.

“What? Mother?!” Hecate's face was unreadable. “Whose side are you on?”

“My dear Tempest. I'm on your side, although that may change depending on the choices you make.” Piper seemed nervous, and anger was growing red hot inside of me.

“You lied to me!” I shout. Her face was still unreadable.

“Not, technically.” My jaw dropped.

“But you said you and my father tried everything in your power to keep me away from this curse!” She cut me off.

“I never said such a thing. I said that we tried everything in our power to keep you away from 'all of this.' I meant camp half-blood.” Leo, who had woken up, was smart enough to say on the ground with his eyes shut, so he could listen to our conversation without disrupting it. Piper was standing still as well, also listening to everything.

“Why? Why would you want to keep me away?”

“Because you stupid child, this is where everything changed. You learned your fate, and just like everyone else who learns the future, the automatically want to change it. But you can't change your own fate. You wouldn't even know how to.” I looked around at Circe and Aphrodite and Piper and down at Leo.

“I think I do,” I say sharply. “Time is running short for you Circe. Tell me exactly what it is you were told when you put this curse on me.” I demand. She snarled, but she didn't tell me anything important.

“They told me how to break this curse. They warned me how if the curse was broken, I would just become weak, like an empty shell. Oh yes, but I was quite certain this would work. You were made exactly the way I wanted you to be. That's the point. In a way, this 'curse' is just yourself. And you can't run away this time Alex. You can't run away from yourself. ” She looked down at Leo. “As for how to break it, Leo knows. GET UP LEO!” She screeched. “I know you’re awake.” He rolled over and scrambled to his feet. Circe looked up at Piper as well. “And Piper knows as well. He told Piper, now didn't he?” I stare at both of them. They knew? They knew how to break the curse and they don't think of telling me? “Love is weakness dearie.” And with that, Hecate and Aphrodite disappeared. 

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