Chapter 01:

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Bobby washed his face a final time in the men's room and watched his image back in the mirror. His eyes are still poppy and red despite the cascading water that drips off his face. He shook his head in disgust. "A grown-ass man, and you're still crying like a baby," He said to his image.

He messed up his short crop black hair and smiled helplessly. Getting dumped really hit you like a brick. Just an hour ago, Agnes, his girlfriend of 3 years, ended their relationship. She didn't say it directly, but it was apparent that it had something to do with that new guy in her Chem class, Greg.

And what did he do? He locked himself in one of the engineering building's bathroom and cried himself out. Jeeez. I Cried like a freaking girl!

"Not cool bobby," He said again to himself. The very thought of it mortified him. "Not cool at all."

But what's done is done. Bobby is able to get it out of his system, and now he should be fine. There are plenty of girls out there. I'm free to become a player. Watch out world! Bobby thought.

He opened the door and stepped out of the restroom. He took a deep breath and watched the sky. A new day, a fresh start.

What the hell is that?

It started out as dots in the sky. Then it grew to a kind of cloud with dark colors. The way it moves made it evident that it is not natural. Bobby watched it even more closely, fascinated.

The blob in the sky got closer and closer until Bobby can see them clearly. And it only raised more questions than answers. Bobby squinted his eyes just to be sure he is seeing it correctly. "Are... are those things... jellyfish?" He asked no one in particular.

He watched as the jellyfish-like creatures, and there are hundreds of them, stopped and floated about a hundred and fifty feet off the ground. Bobby can see them almost directly because he is on the fourth floor of the 5 story Engineering building. The things had a transparent body yet luminescing light on the inside. It has several tentacle-like appendages moving under it.

Bobby turned and looked around him. Three other people are in the corridor. One heavy dude in a loud orange shirt, who a minute ago is on his phone, but he too noticed the floating phenomenon, and his jaws are open wide in disbelief. A professor is also in the corridor, but he is busy talking to a hot chick wearing tight sexy jeans.

Bobby is about to shout at the professor when one of the jellyfish-like creatures suddenly shoots out its tentacles and grab the professor in the head. The hot chick next to him jerked in full surprise with the suddenness of the attack.

Once attached, the Blobby head zoomed into the professor and engulfed his head. The blob is a bit transparent, and Bobby can see the horrified face of the professor inside. The hot chick began to scream, and the other dude started running, but tentacles from the other jellyfish-like creatures started firing and grabbing the other two.

In disbelief, Bobby began to step back, but another set of tentacles grabbed his neck, and the Blobby thing engulfs his head like the others.

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