Book 2 Chapter 02:

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Bobby entered the next store and realized that this used to be a pharmacy. The place looks like some tornado hit it and grab everything that is not bolted to the ground. Everything from tampons to eye drops was cleared out from the many shelves. There are a few items left on the ground, but most of them are dirty and trampled with.

Nevertheless, Bobby grabs what crumbs remain. "Waste not, want not" is an excellent quotation Bobby believe people should adhere to, especially in this time and age. One or two small bags of diapers in one corner shelf, 2-3 toothpaste at the bottom of another shelf, a half full spilled rubbing alcohol, a pocket rolls of dental floss covered by trash in the next row, hmm this is interesting, the bottom shelves in the next row is filled with empty baby bottles. Bobby figured that he could use that as a container in the future.

Then he spotted the back room and noticed a sturdy looking bar grills surround the checkout counter. This pharmacy must have been robbed even before the apocalypse, Bobby thought.

He studied the grills and smiled. There were dents in the metal grills and other visible sign that people tried to get in, but the grill remains intact, suggesting that whatever is inside that place is still there for the taking.

Bobby kneeled in front of the lock knob and by using his trusty paperclip pins, started lock picking the entrance. He smiled to himself when he heard a click, and the door swung open. He went inside, ignoring the popup screen that came out stating that his lockpick skill had just leveled up, then close the bar grills again, this time, hanging his own padlock to secure it.

Bobby peeks under the counter and to Bobby's amusement, finds a huge stack of cigarettes cartons. From Marlboro lights to camel to Hilton cigarettes. Bobby, of course, grabs everything and shove them into his inventory.

Under the last cabinet is a metal box and when Bobby opened it, he was surprised to see a genuine desert eagle. "Whoah!" He said in astonishment. The gun was metal gray, and it has two extra clip. He grabbed and checked its balance; then he started aiming it everywhere. "A bit heavier than I expected," He muttered, but he loved the solidness of the gun in his hand. He lovingly put the weapon in his inventory as well.

There are more cough drops, headache pills and cold tablets in the lower shelves and Bobby grab them all. He noticed the door on the side and was about to grab the handle when he felt something. Bobby activated his mage sight and followed the mana lines. There he found what he was looking for.

Behind the door was a zombie.

Bobby cursed, and he tried directly to cut the zombie's mana lines but realize that he simply didn't have the same focus control of his mana without the Oath transformation. And the 24-hour cooldown is not yet over. "I gotta do this the old fashion way," Bobby said grimly to himself.

He pulled out a kite shield and a short sword. He gave himself "Bless" to increase his STRENGTH, AGILITY, and CONSTITUTION by three and then readied himself as best he could. Then using "Power Kick", he smashed the door open and waited for the zombie to charge him.

Everything was anticlimactic when Bobby realized that the zombie inside turned out to be a crawler. Bobby had no idea how the zombie lost his limbs, but the thing was crawling on the floor, barely a threat to him. His Boot stepped on its back to stop it from moving when he cut the head using the edge of his shield. Using his mage sight, Bobby watches the roaming eye desperately moving away towards the zombie's left arm.

Again, Bobby uses the edge of his shield to cut the arm away and using the short sword to stab it. He slowly raised the arm to eye level and watched the roaming eye look back at him with full rapidly blinking eyelids. Bobby could sense the anger and hate coming from it, but he can also detect one thing more: fear.

Bobby stared at it for a moment longer. "What the fuck are you?" Bobby asked. He didn't expect any answer. He doesn't want one. Not from that thing.

Bobby returned his shield to his inventory, and with the now available hand, he used his "bless" skill and slowly burned the arm with the divine light. The light engulfed the roaming eye and then suddenly the arm turned gray and disintegrated into dust. A split second later, the head and the rest of the body followed suit.

He grabbed a single gold coin in the ground.

He finally looked around his surrounding, and he blinked. The place was the back room, and it is filled with rows upon rows of prescription drugs and other essentials. Penicillin, Tetracycline, lincomycin and other antibiotics, Epinephrine auto-injectors, Oxycodone by the hundreds, Hydrogen peroxide, isopropyl alcohol, asthma inhalers, thousands of branded vitamins, and other drugs. Then in one corner, there are enough cotton, gauze or dressings, medical tape, bandages, and disposable injections of different sizes. There are even medical tools like a stethoscope, surgical gloves, and masks.

Jeez, there was enough drugs and medical supply there to stock up an entire hospital! Bobby thought gleefully.

What he didn't know was that the past owner of the pharmacy (the poor zombie) had a direct connection to city hall and is actually supplying three major hospitals in the vicinity with 30% price hike compared to the current market price at the time. All Bobby cared about was that for the first time seemingly from the very beginning of the apocalypse, is that for once, luck was on his side.

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