Book 2, Chapter 48:

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Bobby finally finished walking around the base and paying off individuals that Alex's boyfriend owed. According to Alex, the total coins owed was roughly 1.5 gold or 150 silvers. But with interest and other 'damages' the loaners can think of, including emotional damages, the entire cost grew to 320 silvers or 3.2 gold.

Bobby quickly grew a fan base from those who are in the know. Two guys approached him and informed him that Daniel owed them a different loan, another two guys explained to Bobby that Alex owed them for certain sexual services they performed on her.

The first two Bobby ignored, but the last two received broken bones.

He also got mugged twice, and a pickpocket almost took a magical ring he wore. Bobby quickly caught the latter. To teach the thief a lesson, he stole his boots, armor, his necklace, and gloves. 

Bobby marked the guy's mana lines, and then he walked away and disappeared behind a corner. He activated his sneak mode, waited for a moment, before slowly approaching the would-be thief once more. 

The thief cursed, replaced his armor and boots, then checked his haul for the day, about 40 silvers and bronze coins. Bobby promptly reappeared and quickly reinvested the money to his own pocket, as well as the thief's replacement armor and boots. Then he dropped an MRE over the thief's lap as he walked away a second time. The thief decided to stay naked all night long, afraid the crazy bastard would take his last set of armor.

The rain didn't stop all night, and Bobby was utterly soaked when he arrived back at his aunt's apartment long past midnight. He rang the doorbell, shook himself like a dog, and then waited.A cute little girl is sitting at the next apartment's stairs, her back to him. Bobby frowned. Five-year-olds shouldn't be playing at this time of night outside the residence, He thought. This part of the base is not like the tent city, but this place isn't exactly crime free either.

The door opened, and a very tired Dr. Malou was surprised to see him. "Bobby!" She exclaimed. "I haven't seen you for a while."

Bobby smiled at seeing a familiar face. "Doctor," Bobby greeted. "You look... tired."

The doctor grimaced. "Cut the shit," she said mildly. "I look like crap."

"Well, I wouldn't go that far."

They shared a chuckle as Bobby was ushered in. The door closed and they walked inside. "I actually just got home myself," She said.

"Oh? Long day in the office?"

Malou sighed. "You have no idea. To think that there is already an apocalypse out there, and people still can't stop themselves from hurting each other. I'll never understand people."

That makes two of us, Bobby thought sadly.

Dr. Malou turned to him. "You are due to work in HOPE tomorrow," she said. "Do you remember?"

Bobby completely forgot. "Yes, of course," He lied.

"Good, because we need more volunteers to ease the burden to the regular staff. And I bet you will help a lot, a strapping young man like you."

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