Book 2, Chapter 58:

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Gabe, the leader of Team 7, finished his declaration just outside the Raval apartment.

Alex turned to Bobby with panic in her eyes, but Bobby gave him a self-assuring smile. "Go and grab Aunt Bella and anything you need in the room. Be ready in two minutes," Bobby said. Buu joined them in dinner but is now back in his void room, and he is grateful for that at least.

This pre-emptive move from the base commander ruined a lot of his plans, but maybe this is all for the better. At least now, everything is in the open. But first, he needed to make sure his family is protected. Bobby took a deep breath and went down the apartment to open the door.

At the ground floor of the apartment, Bobby frowned again. Just an hour ago, while they are still eating dinner, a group of men from the covenant arrived and fetched the Ampils. When Bobby heard what the Kulasa Agent wanted, he bluntly told Alfredo not to go with them. The agents bristled at that, but Alfredo diffused the situation stating that he knew the man is coming for him and that Bobby should not worry. He did frown a bit when the agents insisted that Malou joined them as well.

Bobby almost beat the crap out of the agents there and there. He can feel that something is wrong with the agents grabbing the Ampils at the middle of the night. But as Mr. Alfredo gently pointed out to him that it was Kulasa business and therefore it was none of his. 

Bobby decided then to grab Malou and forced her to wear the same ring he gave Andrea days before. "This is called a Bone ring. If you need help, all you need to do is pour some of your mana into it, and I will sense it. This will give me your general direction. I want you to have it as a precaution." 

Malou stared at him for a moment then silently left with her father. Bobby knew that since Malou is a nonplayer, emitting any form of mana, although it exists on her, is very minimal. So he needed to be extra sensitive in order to feel her mana. "I should have just killed those agents and forced the Ampils to stay here despite their protest," Bobby mumbled to himself.

He opened the door, and the arrogant team leader of team 7 was at the bottom of the stairs. 

Bobby remembered his name as Gabe, and he was sneering at him. "I'm sorry I dismiss you the first time we met," The leader said. "I didn't know back then that I am talking to a celebrity."

Bobby let his mind roam free, and he read the mana lines all around him. At least four teams are facing him, about twenty plus men and women players. All of them at least level 8 and upwards.

Besides them, Bobby can feel killing intent all around him, but invisible to the naked eye. He estimated that at least another 5 teams worth of players are hiding all around them. Making the total just over 50 players, ready and willing to subdue him. 

Bobby smiled to himself. 

You don't have enough men, asshole.

"Robert Raval, by the power given to me by the base Commander, you are hereby under arrest for treason. You are ordered to accompany us to a detention facility set up just for you. If you resist, then we are given permission to use any means necessary to force you to comply including the use of deadly force," Gabe said in a formal voice. The words were not for Bobby himself but for any bystander or witnesses around, just to make sure all are aware that this is legal and official order and none should interfere.

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