Book 2, Chapter 84:

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Author's Note:

We are coming up to the climax of Book 2!

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The very sky itself was torn apart, and light burst out in multiple areas around Buu and Bobby, as they both struggled in the heaven above.

Once more, Bobby raised his head to shout at Buu and tell her that she needed to get a grip and take hold of her powers, or else all of them are going to die. But the words died on his lips as he stared at Buu and found her staring back at him. In that split second, Bobby had the distinct feeling that the one staring back at him was not the girl he knew.

With glowing eyes, The little girl grabbed him effortlessly with one of her mana tentacles, and Bobby screamed even more, for now, the burning mana was in his neck. He struggled violently but to no avail. Both of them ignored the rain that poured out of the wounded sky and drenching them both.

Buu, who is not Buu, looked back at Bobby with tears in her eyes, cheeks scoured by the wind and rain. "Guardian," She whispered. "How do you do it?" Her voice was tinged with pain and sadness.

Bobby just stared at her. "Buu? Is that you?"

"It hurts so much! Love hurt so much! All Buu wanted is to become like you, to be human!" Buu's eyes hardened in front of him. "But if this is what it means to be human, then I will not let her! I will destroy you all instead!" The voice gradually changes into something completely different, like multiple creatures speaking all at once, and Bobby knew he was dealing with something else.

Despite the pain and fear around him, Bobby felt something else rise up deep within him.


He grabbed the little girl by the shoulders and pulled himself closer until they were eye to eye.

Buu, who is not Buu, glared back at him. "We scanned your mind the moment we existed in this world in that awful hospital. We modeled ourselves to your liking, to your way of life, but you baffle us. We know of her! The price of love is loss and pain, and still, you pay! You loved anyway! Why?!"


Aunt Bella stood near the window of the warehouse. She saw the darkening sky, heard the howling wind and the clap of thunder and worst, felt the ground shake beneath her feet. But she gave no attention to it all.

For in the sky, above the crumbling world, two figures were locked in a death struggle. One had beautiful wings, and a figure engulfed in a blinding white light, and the other seems to be just a man, willing to fight the power of the gods themselves to save a little girl.

To the world, he may just be a man, but for Aunt Bella, he is so much more.

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