Book 2, Chapter 30:

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Diego, the fat jailer, raised an eyebrow when he saw Bobby walking toward them. "What the hell happened to you? You look like shit!"

Bobby ignored him as he gratefully sat on a bench. He spent so many hours on his personal void that he could not understand why he never spends some time to rest. Despite the extra hours the void rooms gave him, Bobby somehow still did not have enough hours in the day. There were just too many things to do.

Bobby look around. "Where's Andrea?" He asked.

A soft throat clearing to his left made Bobby pinpoint the girl. Bobby blushed because the girl was practically right next to him and he didn't notice. He asked both of his spies to meet him today in the plaza. He handed them written instruction and missions for data gathering.

"One last thing. Do any of you guys have people that you trust?"

"Nope," Diego said.

"I have a few I can trust," Andrea said hesitating. "Why?"

"I need someone to check on my family while I'm out."

Diego's eyes narrowed. "Are they in trouble? Because if they are, then I am out of here."

"No, they are not," Bobby half lied. "Yesterday, I kinda feel that someone might be following me. I just want to be sure no one is following my family as well."

"I have someone, sir," Andrea said.


"My brother."

Bobby nodded. He handed two gold coins for each of them for today and tomorrow, then another 25 silver coins to Andrea. "This is for your brother," Bobby continued. "I'll give him another 25 silver after I get back. He would receive an entire gold coin if it took me more than two days to arrive. But I want him to check on my family all day."

Bobby handed Andrea a bone ring. "This is a necromancer's ring," Bobby explained. "This is a way for two mages to share and pool their mana together. You could either send or siphon mana to your partner who also has this. Provided that both sides agreed, then both can share from each other's mana. Every day at night you will send me a small portion of your mana. At least a hundred mana points. Don't worry you can easily replenish that after an hour of rest. But this will tell me that everything is alright."

He eyed the young girl. "If something big happens to my family or any other emergency, all you have to do is siphon as much mana as you can from the ring, and I will feel it. That will tell me something is wrong, and I will come back as fast as I can."

Andrea looked at the ring and the similar ring that Bobby is already wearing. "I understand," She said quietly, as she accepted the ring and put it on her finger.

Bobby nodded satisfied. "Alright then," He said. "We all have our missions. Good luck."

Bobby turned back and jogged his way to the plaza where he is expected to meet his team. He checked his watch and can see that he was just in time, but still as a leader he needed t show some enthusiasm and be a bit early.

So it was a mild surprise to Bobby to see his entire team ready and waiting for him when he arrived. "You guys are really excited for this mission," Bobby smiled at them, and both girls in his team blushed.

Amara, a quiet girl in his teen, sat next to Cynthia, a middle age housewife, on the nearby bench. Leaning near a wall is Lucas, a lanky Goth guy who wear mostly black, leaned near a wall and inexplicably near Gorio, a middle age man who is probably one of the loudest people Bobby had ever met.

Bobby intended to bring Buu with him during his mission, but Aunt Bella talked him out of it and promised the little girl will be safe with her.

So after a last minute check, Bobby and his team moved out of the base. Bobby for one is eager to finish this little assignment so he can go back to his projects. At least some of them he can bring with him because of the personal void.

An example was the cube. Bobby summoned the cube in the personal void and left it there. When he went back hours later from the real world, he found that the cube remained in the void without a problem.

He found the answer in Galepedia wherein obscure info told him that any summoned creature can exist in the void provided the owner created the summoned creature himself. So things like familiars that are summoned but are already sentient could not enter his void, but anything that was created directly from the magic of the owner is considered the rightful property of the creator, so they are allowed inside the void as tools.

Now that he is assured that the cube can stay there, he went directly to the smithy and started building massive chain links that Bobby meticulously added together to create thick chains made from his limited supply of Dark Silver. He chose this element because it is the best metal that can channel mana.

After he labored for hours creating not one but two thick Dark Silver chains that are at least ten feet long, he arranged the metals and connected them to the "Mana Sphere" in the foyer and the other end outside to the cube.

Almost immediately, the cube started sucking the precious, pure mana that was intended for Bobby. The cube kept absorbing more and more mana that at one point the entire place groaned like an actual suffering being. A crack appeared in the top of the dome cover of the void, and little earthquakes can be felt inside it. But in the end, the place and the cube stabilized and is now glowing like a blue Christmas tree. When Bobby checked with his mana sight, he was astounded to find out that the cube is absorbing almost 12 Thousand mana points PER SECOND.

It was an unbelievable amount since he a mana capacity of barely five thousand. The fact that the cube stay there in his personal void and he is out here in the real world means countless hours and days have already passed in the void room before Bobby can get back. By that time, several hundreds of hours had already passed. What it means is that the cube had already consumed a few MILLIONS of mana before he can check back at it. He wondered if he is destroying the goddess gift to him by doing so, but then Bobby just shrugged. "There is only one way to find out," He said to himself. Besides, both the cube and the void room were gifts to him, and he needed to know the capability of both.

Bobby's team moved into a single file out of the gate and into the old ravaged city beyond.

He didn't know it at that time, but several pairs of eyes in different directions was watching his team depart.

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