Book 2, Chapter 12:

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Bobby just read all seven of the accumulated books he gathered in the hospital and bought in the magical store on the roof of mcronalds, and he felt so powerful and cool that he could have danced a jig.

Many of the magic books are basic level spells, but it didn't matter to him. By trial and error, he verified some questions he had about magic, and that was the real goal for learning them in the first place. Now he had several working theorems about the principles of magic and will follow it until proven wrong otherwise.

The first book is "Fire Burst." You merely gather mana in your hands and change it to the fire element. By holding your enemy with a hand imbued with the Fire Burst, you can cook the enemy from within. The problem is you need to keep hold of the enemy for a very long time, the same time you will need to cook the food in your microwave, to kill the enemy.

Then there is the "Lightning Burst," an exact replica of the fire burst except that you use the element of lightning. The fact that the "Lightning Burst" actually fires a single electric discharge towards the enemy is technically different in the way you use it, but HOW it works are fundamentally the same. It's just the nature of lightning that it is harder to keep it still that makes it different.

The water element "Bubble" serves as a very versatile form of protection, not for him but for the baby. It covers a person from head to toe in an egg like water bubble with a sort of air-liquid inside, protecting you from sudden impacts and falls. It can even stop bullets, and yes, Bobby tested it, and no, not with the baby as the test subject.

By creating a harness, Bobby is able to carry the baby a bit easier since he can run full speed without harming her. Of course, it is not a perfect shield, any drop item weapon can probably destroy the magical bubble after a 2-3 slash, easier if they are using an elementally enhanced weapon.

According to the description, the bubble is designed to hold an enemy prisoner, and with a few tweaking, Bobby made the Bubble the ultimate baby care machine. It contains the baby in relative comfort, she can move inside the bubble without actually putting too much weight in it, making it less likely to injure the baby. Also, the bubble holds waste materials easily, so the baby can pee and poop two or three times before Bobby replace the Bubble.

That's why the baby is floating in the egg like bubble frowning at Bobby as he experimented on the next magical book he learned: the "Air Shield."

Now, this is nothing like the Bubble since the Air shield is real defensive magic. Almost nothing so far that Bobby threw at it had ever penetrated the pressurized air that is the principle of the "Air Shield." Whether it is magical or kinetic base, the projectile failed to penetrate Bobby's magical defense, but the drawback is the fact that the magic is mana intensive. For only 2 minutes, Bobby already consumed almost a thousand mana. So all in all, Bobby can only keep it up for less than 5 minutes maximum. He even doubted that the mana consumption will go down even if he can level up the magic.

Now Bobby's new favorite is the magic known merely as "Clay Man." When he is near ground made up of open dirt, it doesn't matter if it is covered with grass or any other plants, Bobby can summon a thin humanoid automaton made of mud-like dirt. Each one is just about five feet tall, with a slightly elongated arms. They are humanoid in a way because they have 2 feet and 2 arms, but the automations doesn't have any clear feature or sex. It has a head but no face, arms but no fingers, feet but no toes. Also,  by using the mage sight, Bobby learned that the mana is group into three different nexuses within the Clay man. One is the stomach which serves as a form of battery for the Automaton. As long as the mana in the stomach remains, the clay man keeps moving and as Bobby experimented, he learned that the average Mana in the automaton last for about an hour when it is moving slowly, the more movement and the faster it is, the more mana is burned, so if a Clay man is used in a real fight, it can probably last barely 5-10 minutes. That being said, If the Clayman is used as a sentry, then it can last for about two hours.

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