Book 2, Chapter 21:

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Bobby stared at the window, mesmerized by the few raindrops that tap the glass. He and the base commander knew that by now, people are racing outside with what buckets they can grab and line it out, in the hopes of getting fresh water from the rain.

"Thanks to your contraption, this practice is not as critical as before," The base commander said almost grudgingly.

Bobby remained silent.

Col. Sorya sighed and returned to the report. "Is there anything else that you want to add to that report?"

"What? About the brawl in HOPE? I barely remember that anymore, its ancient history."

Not to the covenant, the colonel thought bitterly.

"Alright," The colonel continued, temporarily closing his folder. "I'll accept that. But can you tell me what happened after that?"

Bobby's eyes narrowed. "I don't understand your interest in one single refugee, base commander." He said, staring right into the colonel's eyes. "I'm not sure I even like it."

The colonel smiled coldly at Bobby. "Indulge me," he said.

Bobby held the colonel's gaze a moment longer before sighing. Then he shrugged. "What do you wanna know?"

The smile is still on the colonel's face. "Everything," He said quietly.

So Bobby laid back in his chair and continued his story. "You are aware that after that little brawl, your people brought me to a waiting cell. And I stayed there for a few hours until a few friends of mine talk me out of jail."

"Talk you out of jail?"

Bobby smiled himself as he remembered that day.

"Come on now, Diego," Darnell said to the sitting guard in the small makeshift cell. "You don't really want to guard him all night, do you? When we both know the base commander will let him go by tomorrow morning."

Bobby leaned over his cell, watching the two talk about his freedom for the last twenty minutes. He was planning to activate his sneak mode when the guard is not looking then lockpick his wait out. But that will put the guard in trouble. And Diego the chubby guard is a nice guy. His mouth just kept going and going that he became a fountain of information to Bobby. He learned a lot about the Kulasa covenant for one.

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