Book 2, Chapter 43:

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Bobby hadn't gotten far from the HQ when it started to rain again. Huge raindrops that actually hurt you when they fall from the sky, but at least no lightning or claps of thunder.

He knew that this would cause flooding inside the base, raising the damn filth and letting it enter the tents. Even those staying in concrete houses would have problems, but that is the way of his country, and his people were used to it.

His people had always been resilient in the face of calamity, and they would survive this, but it just plain sucks that this heavy rain will bring more misery to people that are already miserable.

Bobby crossed the road in front of him, then turned into an alley, he burst into a fountain area that the people turned into a sort of open bar with gyrating girls on top of the giant stone statue fountain while several dead animals are being roasted in a nearby pit. The animals looked suspiciously like rodents and cats in Bobby's suspicious eyes.

Bobby entered the building, then came out the back door only to cross another street and follow another one to its end. There he finally reached the town plaza where hawkers of everything are selling anything under the stars. Bobby even saw a man selling blood in bottles. "Virgin blood! Will cure anything! Also, have huge aphrodisiac effect for both men or women!" the merchant shouted.

"A dozen brand new laptops! Just 12 bronze coins!!"

"Will buy empty potion bottles! Extra Bronze for volume set!"

"Hot soup with real meat! Only one Bronze coin!"

A man walked beside Bobby, and whispered, "Girls? You want a fifteen-year-old girl with big boobs? I also have a 14 or 13-year-old... or even younger if you want it. Or we can introduce you to a more experienced one if you want them older..."

"Get the hell out of my face before I break your arm," Bobby growled at him, and the guy backed away quickly.

A warrior class mercenary was suddenly by the man's side to dissuade any thoughts of violence from Bobby. "Eyy! No need to be antsy about it! We also offer boys for your kind, you fucking faggot!" The guy sneered at Bobby.

Bobby just ignored the man and walked on. Then the rain really started to pour, and the men and women in the plaza began to take cover or run away with their sensitive wares.

Bobby felt a tap on his shoulder, and Melissa was right next to him. Despite the last time they met, Bobby didn't really have anything against the mob boss. It didn't help that the damn woman was a looker. Bobby stared at her and smirked. "Nice outfit," He said calmly.

Melissa is wearing a transparent yellow raincoat that snugs firmly to her waist, and the hoodie was just tight enough that Bobby knew that the overcoat was custom made just for her. Her boots are waterproof, long, and narrow. She even wore makeup in this time and place. It was a blatant show of power, of course.

Every woman he saw, even the players, are all wearing practical clothes nowadays. Not only because it is convenient but also for their safety. It was the apocalypse, the rule of law barely exists, and men are reduced almost to their darkest base urges. So women wearing sexy clothes in this time and age can only be categorized into two, the one who actually wants the attention for profit and commerce, and the one who doesn't care because no one dares to touch her.

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