Chapter 12

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"So what's with the army crap?" Bobby said, smiling.

They are walking outside the science building, everyone still alert and ready of course, but after distributing the coins and getting a quick meal, everyone is in high spirit.

"What army crap?"

"You know ..." Bobby lowered a baritone, "This is Piccard of the enterprise, I'm taking over the fleet, fire all beams at sector 4, vector 7, load sabot, drop to 30, and fire for effect!"

Cass, Drew, Agnes, the girl sandy and Jason all laughed. Even Miguel who is in front of them smirked at bobby's imitation.

"I didn't sound like that," Agnes protested, hugging her new bow.

In the aftermath of the battle in the science building, the rangers and rogues are the one most excited of all the loots because the zombies in their hundreds finally are able to drop bows. All in all, there were 3 bows that drop from the zombies, 2 longbows, and one short bow. The longbows were claimed by Cass and Jason while the short bow is given to Agnes. Sandy, the other rogue, insisted that she is more comfortable with her sling than a bow.

Bobby meanwhile, who did not participate in the loot grabbing, is still able to get some really neat stuff from the pile discarded by the other players. His new favorite weapon is a blue spear that starts off as a short spear but with a thought, the weapon can change into the longer version lance, or the wider horse killer "wood spike." He also receives a leather shoulder harness that holds 30 short kunai or throwing knives, a spare metal spear, a round shield and another tower shield that also holds 5 of the thin throwing spears called pillum. a spare hand axe, 2 short swords and surprisingly, a scimitar.

"Sure you did," Bobby went on. "You're like a regular Aragorn protecting the helms deep from the orcs!"

Again Agnes laughed, it was something that Bobby couldn't get tired listening to. "So? What's the scoop?" Bobby persisted. "Where the hell did you learn all that crap?"

Agnes just shrugged. "Greg is a member of the ROTC program, and when everything blew up in our faces, he took charge and then he insisted that we used army protocol."

Cass is counting the numbers of arrows in her new leather quiver. Besides the bow, the zombies drop 14 quivers with 30 arrows each in them. "He just came in like a storm and start ordering us around," She said, shrugging. "Most of them make sense so I played along."

"But then he started insisting that we talk in army lingo, and everyone's eyes started rolling."

"He even wants us to use code names!" Quipped Jason, he had an easy smile that makes him look so young. Bobby knew they were the same age, but he felt so much older than the kid.

"What? Like Black Mamba?"

Everyone laughed again, ribbing each other. Jason and Drew pushing each other and calling the other one dork.

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