Book 2, Chapter 61:

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Bobby, with the rest of his group, entered the warehouse and the place was in an uproar. People were running everywhere and doing something probably important. There was an air of controlled panic, and people feel that they can only get a grip of their own fear, despair, and loss by doing something, anything for the cause. Bobby can see that at most part, the place is converted into a mix of a field hospital and command post, all in one.

Initially, before anything else, Bobby's eyes and other senses is only looking for and sought his family. He gave a breath of relief, something he didn't know he is keeping inside him at the time when he saw Alex in one corner of the warehouse talking to her friend Billy in silent earnest. 

His mana lines also found his Aunt somewhere inside the warehouse and judging from Alex's demeanor, her aunt Bella is also doing well. His family is at least secured at the moment. Only then did he start to notice the other victims of the sudden civil war for the control of the base. The innocent people caught in the middle.

Rows upon rows of heavily wounded men and women, including old people and children, waited patiently in line as the harassed nurse struggled to keep some sort of order. 

Without thinking, Bobby's feet veered toward a silently crying girl, but Andrea grimly stopped him. "You need to go to the command center now," She said bluntly.

"But they need me here," Bobby said, grating his teeth.

"They need you more in the command center," Andrea answered him back, her eyes now blazing. "The deaths and injuries will not stop until you finished this!" 

Bobby stared at her, but in the end, he merely nodded at her and continued walking, closing his ears from the injured and the dying.

At one corner of the warehouse stood a long table and there right in the middle of the throng of men, like the very eye of the storm, calm amidst the chaos around her, stood Melissa, staring at the makeshift map displayed on the table around her and trying to find the hidden answer. She looked shaken but otherwise, she still looked good in a drab shirt and jeans. He was glad that the mob queen was alright. For a moment, their eyes met and Bobby's eyes showed his concern, but he knew Melissa will not appreciate it if he acts all concern for her for it will be construed as indecisiveness of the leadership, so instead he nodded to her and she nodded back grimly. He cannot afford to show weakness in front of these men, it was essentially his responsibility to do so.

God, I am sick and tired of being responsible, Bobby thought bitterly.

Everyone quieted down when Bobby steps into the forum looking disheveled and angry and very very deadly.

"Report," He said quietly.

It was Melissa who answered him. "They are attacking us on all sides," She said bluntly. "Every prisoner they get became another piece of information for them. They don't have the big picture yet, but they are using their resources quite handily. They are attacking all my business and all allies I built up through the years. They are moving too fast that I cannot set up ambushes along the route. And the forces I have in the ground turn into mincemeat if they make a stand. It's time to throw the dice and go all in."

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