Book 2, Chapter 60:

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Bobby and his two companions hurried through the deserted back streets and alleyways as they circle around the tent city. Eventually, Bobby entered the tent city, and Bobby found the eerie quietness of the place unsettling. He knew people are inside the tents and they are watching, but no one was coming out. The narrow streets are all to themselves.

"Spooky," said Eric, walking just behind Bobby.

Bobby didn't answer him because his attention is all in the mana lines as he is unerringly homing into Andrea's location. He navigated his way through the sea of tents before eventually reaching her position. The last time he walked this street, he almost felt claustrophobic because of the number of people moving around like ants, but now the small dirt road is completely deserted. Eric was right, the damn place was spooky.

Bobby poked his head inside the tent and almost got his head chopped off. Andrea and all four of her siblings are gathered inside, all holding a weapon at the opening of the tent. Bobby slowly raised his hand to tell them he came in peace when he noticed Andrea winced.

Her side was red, and she was pale and sweating. "What happened?" Bobby pushed his way inside, and the rest of the kids jumped out of his way.

"Knife fight with a pair of thieves," Andrea said, as she sagged even more to the ground. "Just bad luck that the second graze me before I finished her off."

Bobby ripped the side of Andrea's shirt, revealing her very thin stomach. Andrea almost squeak in protest for ruining her last clean shirt. She blushed instead. Her sibling was moving around and behind Bobby nervously and filled with concern. "You call this a graze? this is pretty deep," Bobby muttered. "And you're poisoned." Bobby's hand is already glowing blue around the wound even before he finished talking.

Andrea sighed and visibly relaxed. Her siblings have been mollified a little also. Someone cleared his throat, and it was Eric outside the tent. "What do you want us to do here, boss?" He said.

"Just guard my back. Give me a minute," Bobby said tersely. He continued to focus, and green puss oozes out of the flesh wound and after a moment more, Bobby started regenerating cells first just to replace the damaged parts, then he created even more cells to actually closed the wound for good. It took only a few minutes, and there is nothing left of the wound but a pink skin. Bobby monitored the wound a bit longer and made sure the debuff "bleeding" canceled out before he finally released his healing.

Bobby shakes his head. After seeing his own body's near-instantaneous regeneration, Bobby always finds healing other bodies somewhat limiting because they don't heal as fast as he did. But despite that, he can feel himself getting better at it. He wanted to make some time so he can check his character screen but decided not to instead. They are still in danger at this place.

"The poison is out, and the wound is healed," Bobby said to Andrea and for the kid's benefits. "But you still lose a lot of blood. I already stimulated your marrows and they will work overtime to replace it, but it will still take time."

Then Bobby turned to the kids who are now tentatively smiling in relief after hearing that their big sister is gonna be okay. "But we cannot stay here because it is getting more dangerous for you guys, so all of us are moving right now."

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