Chapter 05

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Bobby grabs his improvise spear in the ground and 2 gold coins from the infected's remains then started to walk north where the Science building is located.

"Where are you going?"

Bobby turned, puzzled. "The science building," He said annoyed.
Bobby had been studying in the University for the last 3 years, and the science building is a popular spot in the school so most students know where it is located.

Cass smirked at him and jerk her thumb to one of the cars in the lot. "We will be going there on a ride," She said.

"Are you insane? That will get us too many attention. Dangerous attentions."

"Ah! So you didn't know about the cars. Good!" She said, please with herself.

"Know what?"

Cass signaled him to follow and he did. She studied the parking lot for a second, before choosing a parked SUV in one corner. "There is no way to collaborate this at the moment but some of us believe that those walkers can't really see shit. You see-"

"You call them walkers?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah. What do you call them?"

Bobby shrugged. "I call them infected."

"Why would you- Oh! You mean from 28 days later. I get it"

"Well, they are not exactly Romero's zombies. I mean those fuckers are fast!"

Cass is nodding. "I know what you mean. But I don't want to call them infected."

Now Bobby is also nodding, understanding his companion. It is something only players like them can actually understand. They all became killers in a matter of hours simply to survive, and they rather not put a face on their victims. Calling those things you are forced to kill "infected" is pretty close to thinking that they are still humans. Sick humans yes, but still human.

"I'll call them runners from now on," Cass declared. "Or fuckers."

Bobby chuckled. "So what were you saying about those runners again?"

"You mean before you interrupted me?"

"Yes," Bobby sighed. They reach the SUV, and Cass leaned over and started fiddling with the lock. Bobby leaned closer as well, interested in what Cass is doing. She grab the pin in her hair and use it to manipulate the locking mechanism.

"As I was saying, some of us believe that the runners can't see that very well. There's this guy who delivers ice cream in the canteen, anyway when those squid things finish mind raping you and you came to-"

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