Chapter 14

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Finally, the moment many of you guys are waiting for has arrived! LOL. The great B! Enjoy!   :D


"You should have seen him!" Cass said in the middle of a crowd of listeners. Despite covered in bandages, and one foot in a splint, Cass is enjoying the moment as she retold what she had seen during what she dubbed as the 'Catfight'. Her face is red and she felt a bit tipsy, which made her listeners more amused. It was a small wonder that she remain cognitive because Agnes gave her enough pain killer to drop a horse.

"The bastard is barely alive and crawling in the street. No one can blame em, since he fell from the sky and bounce twice! Bounce I tell yah!" Cass continued.

Bobby is next to the sink in one of the classrooms of the science building. Shirtless, Bobby did his best to scrub the dirt and the blood and gore in his shirt. And he is growingly annoyed with Cass's exaggerations.

"Then what happened?" Drew asked, his eyes wide.

Cass turned to him with such a stony face and everyone waited with bated breath. "Spinach."


"Did you say spinach?"

"Like in Popeye?" drew said doubtfully.

Cass grabbed him by his collar and pulled him right next to her face, almost kissing him. "EXACTLY like Popeye! Our hero, it turned out, has a plan! He crawled across the street and grabbed a bunch of spinach on the other side and started eating! NOM NOM NOM NOM!" Cass said, trying to do a bad imitation of how Popeye eats.

"If the Bastard has a pipe at that moment, he would have gone too-toooot!" Continued Cass, as he pulled an imaginary train whistle.

Agnes is in one corner, enjoying the show while Bobby is rolling his eyes.

"So what happened next?" Miguel said, unable to withstand the continuous interruptions from everyone that he was forced to asked.

Cass turned to him next. "And then the cat arrived..." She said. Suddenly everyone was quiet again. "They started circling each other, with half closed eyes, I think the cat even spat in one corner."


"And then they charge! Claws and teeth bared, ready to tear each other apart!"

Utter silence, even Bobby is forced to wait and listen.

"Then... Then what happened?" Drew said with wide eyes. Slowly Cass walked toward Drew, who gulp, and everyone was silent, waiting with open mouths.

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