Book 2, Chapter 15:

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"What are you guys doing out here anyway?" Bobby asked the four behind him as they walk over a nearby parking lot.

His eyes linger back at Billy for a while. He told him the barest minimum: Agnes thought he is dead, so she didn't come here to get him.

And that she joined a new team.

But Billy is a smart lad. Eventually, he will connect the dots. But this is not the time to talk to him about this. They are still in danger. "Well?" Bobby prompted.

They all look at each other until Darnell spoke up. "We... we are tasked by our base commander to look for antibiotics in any nearby pharmacy. There is some sort of an epidemic running around the base. We already check at least seven pharmacies, but all of them are looted. We kept going deeper and deeper into the city, but there is simply none available. We plan to go to any hospital next, but then those things finally attack us. We didn't know those big ass zombies can see people in vehicles. I guess we overreach..."

His words just faded away, unlike the acid pit in Bobby's stomach. He felt like a tool. He himself cleaned out every pharmacy, hell every store he led his bottomless inventory in, whether or not he needed the items or not. His mindset is merely a finder's keepers. Not really thinking about other people who really needed the damn things.

Bobby stopped, pulled out four of the moving boxes he gets in a DIY store, and proceeded to build them up into actual boxes since it is still in its plastic bag covers. The four other players gathered around him and watched what he was doing.

Nicky, a cute girl with glasses and short curly hair, is holding the baby. The baby is holding another formula bottle, and for the moment she is content. She already burped and is now a bit sleepy.

Bobby isn't worried much since a Clay man is ahead of them as an advance guard and another one in each flank and the rear. They are all in 'defense' mode. They won't immediately attack any zombie they see but will hold their position until an enemy reached 10 feet away from them.

Besides that, Bobby continuously check the mana lines in the area to see any zombie around. For the moment, everything is clear. The closest number of zombies are still in the bank, trying to get in the closed doors and maze of the corridor in that area.

When Bobby finished building the boxes, he proceeded to fill it with powerful and prescription base antibiotics, antihistamines, potent vitamins and lots of EpiPen injectors. The boxes are filled to the brim before he pushed it to each one of them. "Put this in your inventories, whatever happens, at least one of you should be able to give this to your base."

When they realize why Bobby gave them separate boxes, they all look at him. Bobby just shrugged. "This way, the drugs have a better chance of reaching your base," He said rationally.

Darnell shook his head. "That's just cold, dude."

"But practical," Jenna said grimly. "My mom is one of the sick people back in the base. Thank you for this by the way."

Bobby grunted. He wanted to hurry and get there himself. Hoping with all his might that his family is safe and healthy.

"We'll take this van," Bobby said. Hesitantly, his new companion followed him.

"Bobby kneeled in front of the van and smoothly disarmed the lock. He entered the van leaned over the driver's seat and opened the panel. After screwing with the wires for a minute more and the van sprang to life.

"You're a thief class?" Darnell asked, clearly impress.

Bobby shook his head. "I just learned from one," He said.

"But I'm a thief," Nicky said pouting. "But I don't have those skills."

Bobby turned to her. "I'm sorry for not being clear. The one who taught me is a ranger, she's just a thief in real life."

All four of them stared at Bobby. He ignored them. "Thie van is a manual. I don't do manual. Can you drive this thing?" Bobby looked at Darnell, who just shrugged. He checked the gas meter and called out. "Aah we have a problem," He said.

"What?" Bobby said while holding a ten-gallon gas tank.

"Never mind."

Bobby proceeded to gas the van and filled half the tank. He checked all the other fluids and then they were off. Before they move, Darnell gave a last warning. "Lots of obstacle in the road," he said.

"Don't worry, about it," Bobby said as he settled inside. He chose the van because it was big enough to stretch your feet, and he used it to good effect. Nancy is in the shotgun position, so there is only Jenna and Billy to share the back. Oh and the baby.

The van shook a bit when all four of his claymen started to hold on to the top of the van with builtin grills, probably for a bicycle attachment. Two clay men on each side, They reached out to the top and hold on while bending their knees so that their feet don't reach the ground. The van grew heavy but it easily able to carry the extra weight. "We have workers outside," Bobby said smiling as if keeping a private joke to himself.

The van started moving and after ten minutes stop again after they reached several stalled vehicles blocking their way. The Clay man dropped down and proceeded to manhandle the vehicles and set them aside in one corner.

When a path was cleared, they returned back to the van and held on. The van moved again, and after another 3-4 minute, another obstacle is in the way. The claymen again left the van and begun clearing the path.

The progress was slow but they are moving steadily, and Darnell didn't mind. A few zombies are shambling around them, but none bothered them or the clay man as they work. Even after the clay man rudely shove them away if they are near their path since the Clayman considered them part of the obstacles, the zombies ignored them.

The baby started to wiggle away from Nicky and is ready to cry. Gently, Bobby held the little creature, shoved a pacifier in her mouth, reclined his seat and lie down with the baby. The strong air conditioner that is blowing right in front of them made the baby sleep in no time.

Bobby smiled looking at the baby in his arms. In minutes, he too closed his eyes and in the middle of the afternoon, had his first real sleep.  


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