Book 2, Chapter 81:

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Buu gawked at her Guardian. Both of them were dumb-stricken. She wanted to tell him that it was an accident. She didn't mean to take all his colors, all the lights. It was just that... Well, it was there and... well, she was hungry.

She knew he was using it. She knew he was using his colors, and that he was using it to play with the other humans that took her. She didn't mean to, and she would have given it back if she knew how.

But then the big bully interrupted them by shouting and taking her Guardian's attention. She saw the Guardian getting annoyed and focusing on him.

And then somehow he started hurting the Guardian and then... then... there was blood. Buu watched in horror as the Guardian fell away from her view. No! It can't be! The Guardian was strong. And he promised! That he will always be there!

But... why?... How? And then she realized that it was because she took all the Guardian's yummy color... she took it... She didn't mean to, but still, she took it... and now the Guardian is gone... because of her... It was her fault. No no no no ...

It was her fault.

"Aaaaaahhhh!" Buu screamed, and the mana burst out of her tiny body and into the unsuspecting world.

Buu always knew she was special. Even when she first able to notice things, she realized that she is different from the other people around her. Even if that person has access to what they call majik. Why is it that not all people can see it, anyway? That is so dumb.

She is simply different from Nana Bella, from neighbor Malou, from big sister Alex, especially from big baby Rocky.

Even the Guardian.

At first, she is confused why the other people are not using the colors around them. She only figured out later that not only are some of them cannot see, or smell or taste or hear or even feel it, but they don't actually believe in it.

But why? It's just there.

When Buu was very little, she is a bit afraid and confused about it, but the Guardian explained that she was special, and she believed him. Now Buu is not afraid to grab the colors that she wants and even change it. Her guardians color is always special to her, especially if he is frowning and all serious, his majik will then come out of him in waves. She always likes his colors best.

But now that very color, that very light is waning, and her Guardian is fading. She cannot see him down below the platform, but she knew this, she can feel it.

He is dying.

And he is leaving her again.


Because of her.

Buu is so scared now. And Buu didn't want to be alone. Her face is red, and tears and snot fell from her chubby face. "I'm sho-rry... I didn't mean... I'm so shor- reee!!"

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