Book 2, Chapter 33:

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Bobby wiped his drenched face and composed himself. "Hello Galateah," He said formally. "Welcome to my humble Casa," Bobby said respectfully and bowed.

The goddess looked at him for a moment. "You catching a cold?"

"No. Why?"

"What's with the sudden formality?"

Bobby blushed. To be honest, Bobby wasn't really sure how to address his goddess. Having a high intelligence gives his Galepedia site more meat, more relevant information that a player can actually use, and ever since the bridge battle, Bobby devoured every link and bits of information he can get about his goddess.

What he learned so far is that his Goddess is a very mysterious god ...and a very powerful one.

And dangerous.

"Nothing," Bobby said, a bit flustered. "I haven't seen you in a long time, Of course, I have to feel my way back how to respond to you. Especially now that I know that you can crush me like a bug anytime you want."

Galeteah raised an eyebrow. "You learned about that, just now?"

Bobby didn't answer.

The girl hops out of bed and smoothens her yellow Sunday dress. "Two reasons," she said.


"I came here for two reasons," The Goddess responded. 'First is because I'm curious why and how are you using my mana that I'm letting you borrow. I am a very powerful mana user, young man, but even I will notice if someone started siphoning millions of my mana somewhere."

Bobby went pale. It didn't occur to him that the mana being eaten by that stupid cube is actually coming from his goddess. He knew it was coming from somewhere but not directly from Galeteah. Crap, I'm in a whole lot of trouble now. And I still don't even know what the fuck I'm doing with that thing anyway.

And then something unexpected happened. The girl smiled. "I saw the chains! That was brilliant! Gods are not allowed to help you guys directly but what you did was brilliant! That Mana charger comes standard in any personal void. I didn't even design the damn thing. My sister did! So no one can claim that I manipulated all of this so you can easily charge your damn pet."

Galeteah watched her champion. Yes, you are brilliant, my chosen champion, but I wonder HOW intelligent you really are. What else are you hiding? What other ideas do you have at that surprisingly puny mind of yours that even Gods haven't thought of? Her divine mind thought idly.

"With your current level, it will take you another year for you to awaken the elder, if you devoted all your mana to it all day and all year round. But by using your brains, you are able to do so in just a matter of two weeks. Unbelievable." Galeteah said, her undisguised disbelief giving gravity to her simple compliment.

"Aah, thanks," Bobby said awkwardly. "So ah, what do I do next?"

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