Book 2, Chapter 72:

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Bobby gritted his teeth as the crazy imp fly low from the nearby apartment building of the base. He ordered the imp to fly him back to the warehouse. And the little bastard grabbed him by the shoulder with his taloned feet and flew away. The problem is that to get a good grip, the little devil actually started piercing his armor and then his skin with its sharp claws. Bobby almost skewered him with a materialized spear in his hand. After thinking about it for a while, they decided for the imp to grab hold of the same metal spear and Bobby will hold the spear between the imp's talon.

Bobby doesn't have a problem carrying his own weight, and he is already devising a plan to hold the spear with one hand and holding a weapon with the other and using the imp as a flying charger. But the little devil has a mind of his own, and he'd rather mess up Bobby's plan than actually follow it. It was simply his nature.

He can tell the imp where to go but HOW to go there is up to the demon, unless he gave him very specific instructions, which the little devil will most likely find a way to mess up anyway. So a flying cavalry is just another wishful thinking on his part.

Eventually, the imp's flying brought him back to the market square, then the business district and then the large warehouse beyond. Bobby can see erected barricaded wall around the warehouse and archers in nearby rooftops. At least Melissa's forces had kept a sizable defense in the warehouse.

"Drop me inside the defensive barricade," Bobby commanded the imp.

The imp smiled coldly as he rose up from the sky. "Sure boss," He said, his golden cat eyes glinting. "Your wish is my command!"

And when they were on top of the warehouse, the imp simply let go of the spear, dropping Bobby like a bomb. Bobby flailed a bit until he righted himself and then gathering his mana in one hand, he created a potent air shield around him. He expanded the buffer for 20 meters before it impacts the ground, slowing his descent just enough not to make a serious injury. Nonetheless, Bobby dropped and rolled to the ground to absorb the impact, but even so, he felt muscles tear around his ankles as he skidded to a stop. He slowly stood up and stared up at the imp who waved at him before blinking out of existence.

He had to physically force himself not to shout at the space where the imp disappeared. He growled instead as he concentrated his healing magic on the broken muscles. It took him 3 steps before his ankles repaired itself on its own.

"Halt!" Someone shouted, and Bobby stopped walking. Within moments, he was surrounded by five men. The one in front of him stared at him with small suspicious eyes and snarled, "Who the fuck are you and what the hell are you doing here?"

Before Bobby could respond, someone answered for him.

"Belay that!" A young man coming out of the warehouse shouted, and the men surrounding Bobby relaxed a bit. Bobby already knew who the tall skinny man was even before he got nearer.

"Hello, sir," Daniel said. There is a confidence in his stance that was not there before, Bobby thought fleetingly. Alexandria's boyfriend matured really fast in a very short amount of time.

"Is that how you gonna greet your brother in law from now on?" Bobby teased. "I'm not her dad, you know."

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